UAV, drone operators urged to register with Civil Aviation Authority
View(s):By Chandani Kirinde
The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is urging operators of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) including drones, to register with the CAA, as the use of these instruments are fast gaining popularity in the country.
CAA Director General (DG), H.M.C. Nimalsiri said, only around 50 UAV s are registered with them to date, while many more are believed to be in operation.

UAV, drone operators urged to register with Civil Aviation Authority
He said the Authority also intends to introduce regulations to register importers of these UAVs.
The CAA has operational guidelines for UAVs, and the relevant regulations cited as “Implementing Standard: Requirements for Operation of Pilotless Aircraft (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/Remotely Piloted Aircraft)” were gazetted by the CAA DG recently. The regulations for pilotless aircraft will be applicable within Sri Lanka airspace.
Under the regulations, only persons or organisation having appropriate expertise in the design, construction or operation of remotely piloted aircraft or, appropriate knowledge of airspace designations and restrictions, will be permitted to operate pilotless aircraft. They too, will require to register with the CAA.
The weight of a pilotless aircraft will be restricted to a gross mass of less than 25kg, while UAVs with a gross mass of less than 1 kg can be operated without approval from the CAA DG, if it is operated for leisure or education purposes at a private premise, with the consent of the property owner or, at public places clearly identified for the purpose, with due regard to safety of persons and property.
However, such aerial vehicles will not be allowed to be flown in open air over any area, without flight clearance obtained from the local police of the area over which it is flown, except when it is operated over an approved aerodrome or, strictly within the premises owned by the owner of the aircraft.
The regulations prohibit the operation of pilotless aircraft of any weight, for hire or reward, unless special approval is obtained from the CAA DG in writing, after payment of the specified fee on a case-by-case basis.
Persons who operate UAVs will have to be those familiar with operations and maneuvering of the aircraft safely, and good physical and mental health condition, while those under the influence of alcohol or psychoactive substance and those without a “sound sense of social responsibility”, will be prohibited from flying these aircraft.
There is also a prohibition on flying the pilotless aircraft on or over any movement area of an active aerodrome or, active runway strip area, over assembly of persons, public gatherings, congested areas; roadway or railway; below or above open electricity power lines; within proximity to communication towers or national parks, protected areas or security establishments, without approval
A pilotless aircraft cannot also be operated above any property unless explicit prior consent has been obtained from persons occupying that property or, the property owner; and causing safety or security hazard to third person or property.
Dropping of items as well as displaying of banner from a pilotless aircraft in flight without approval is also illegal.
Their operations will also have to be restricted to daytime unless the operation is indoors with adequate lighting or, is a shielded operation with adequate illumination.
There is also a ban on operating pilotless aircraft in a race or competition of any form, without special approval from CAA DG.