Looking after your heart: Start young
However hackneyed the phrase maybe, ‘Prevention is better than cure’ is a truism when it comes to coronary artery disease, says Dr. Rohan Gunawardena By Kumudini Hettiarachchi “Catch them young and teach them all about healthy lifestyles,” is the urgent plea, as the toll from diseases affecting this all-important organ tragically retains its stranglehold as [...]
Sapodilla for a quick energy boost
By Nirmala M. Pieris Did you know that sapodilla is one of the best fruits to provide quick energy and is regarded as a natural energy boosting food? This is due to the exceptionally sweet taste of the ripe fruit that also carries a bunch of bonuses for your health and wellness. Sapodilla (Manilkara zapota) [...]
Red, Amber and Green, not road rules but food rules

By Kumudini Hettiarachchi The session just before lunch was short and to the point. It was meant to be for an hour but lasted only 15 minutes. A few slides and out she walked to the sumptuous buffet laid out for all the delegates, local and foreign, who were attending a medical conference at a [...]
Leafy side dish, staple of Lankan cuisine

In the second in our series on edible leafy greens, we feature ‘mallung’ a popular and nutritious side dish to the Sri Lankan rice and curry By Dr. Nirmala M. Pieris Mallung, is a nutritious Sri Lankan dish that can be made with one or a number of edible green leaves. When it is a [...]
Getting to know that ‘stranger’ in your home
In the second part of this series Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Dr. Udena Attygalle looks at teenage behaviour, while answering some questions that parents find perplexing Why do adolescents sometimes behave like “strangers in their own house”. A long time ago when still a teenager, I remember being told that “I behaved as if I was [...]
When maternal blues turn to postpartum depression

By Prof. Raveen Hanwella Caroline Beale was arrested in September 1994 as she was about to board a plane in New York to return to the UK. Inside her shoulder bag was her dead baby. The baby had died of neglect, probably soon after delivery, in a New York hotel room where Caroline was staying. [...]