AIDEX 2016- 27th Annual Sports Festival organised by the Colombo Friend-in-Need Society for Amputees who use Jaipur Limbs, will be held on October 9 at the Prisons Grounds, Colombo 8. The Public are welcome to participate in this free-of-charge event.  AIDEX 2016 is being held to coincide with the 185th Anniversary of the Colombo Friend-in-Need [...]

The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

Helping hand to those without a leg to stand on

AIDEX 2016 Sports Festival by Colombo Friend-in-Need Society

AIDEX 2016- 27th Annual Sports Festival organised by the Colombo Friend-in-Need Society for Amputees who use Jaipur Limbs, will be held on October 9 at the Prisons Grounds, Colombo 8. The Public are welcome to participate in this free-of-charge event.  AIDEX 2016 is being held to coincide with the 185th Anniversary of the Colombo Friend-in-Need Society, and is very much looked forward to by both participants and organisers. Over 400 participants have sent in their applications from various parts of the country. Among them are members of the Tri-forces and civilian amputees, resulting from conflict, traffic accidents, infections especially in diabetic patients and children born with limb defects.

The Festival will commence with the Men’s and Women’s Cycle races at 9 am, followed by 57 Track and Field events in 100m, 200m, 400m races, Putt Shot, Long Jump, Discuss Throw and Archery.  Dilmah- Ceylon Tea Services Ltd., will provide T-Shirts and Caps for the participants and volunteers, while meals will be supplied by Perera & Sons Ltd, along with Roland and Chrisanthi Perera.  This open and free event is open to the public who are invited to spend the day with the disabled, to encourage them to participate in such activities and to lead non-dependent lives with dignity.  - L.R.

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