The Army Commando K-9 Group entertains kids at the Children’s Day celebrations organised by the Pre-School Teachers Forum for Wattala together with the Pre-School Statute Implementation Unit for Western Province held for the fifth consecutive year at the Nawaloka grounds, Welisara on October 1, 2016. Pix by M. A. Pushpa Kumara

The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

The Army Commando K-9 Group entertains kids at the Children’s Day


The Army Commando K-9 Group entertains kids at the Children’s Day celebrations organised by the Pre-School Teachers Forum for Wattala together with the Pre-School Statute Implementation Unit for Western Province held for the fifth consecutive year at the Nawaloka grounds, Welisara on October 1, 2016. Pix by M. A. Pushpa Kumara

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