100 Words
View(s):Thank you for all your work to the 100 word page on “Fiction”. Many contributions came in this month, attesting to the power fiction has on all of us – the magic realm without which we all will be so much poorer.
The theme for November is “Mouse”. Please send in your contributions before November 5 to…..
N.B. Work sent to this page will be edited.
Madhubhashini Disanayaka-Ratnayake
100 Words
c/o The Sunday Times,
8, Hunupitiya Cross Road,
Colombo 2
Fact or Fiction
Fact or Fiction Kamala Gunasekera |
Christina Jayamanne |
Fiction My little son Is really excellent In producing His fictitious stories and incidents so well, That sometimes We just have to believe him As they seem so believable and true. “Ma, “Really! How wonderful!” Sriyanthanie Jayawardena |
Truthful Fiction She sat with vacant eyes holding pen and paper, Her fingers knew, only to tremble. Her pen did its duty. Sudden bloctches. She re-wrote. Kind wind hushed little owls Yes, yes, they replied, and became quiet. Blooming Sepalikas wafted fragrance, through their messenger, the wind. Her pen wrote pages and pages about how his caring hand was snatched away by a jealous damsel. How he starved her eyes thereafter, She aimed to send one copy, her novel to him. But publishers were thrilled, In book – stores her truthful novel climbed to the racks just beneath the label fiction. Kshemali Nanayakkara |
Narrator One bright morning A couple entered our courtyard With searching chirps, Surveyed the surrounding, Assured of the safety They began to build their home In a corner, under the awning. Work complete The male left. Time slipped silently With the female moving in and out. Another bright morning dawned With a cluster of gentle chirps Echoing across the area, Featherless, bald headed They opened their pinkish beaks. Mother fed then with love. While gently breaking them She was chattering ceaselessly. Was she narrating a fabulous fiction Or a true life story?
Kumari Weerasooriya Mahaweli N.C.O.E., Polgolla. |
Epiphany He took her by the hand and whispered in her ear Nevermind who broke you down Nevermind the messed up parts Nevermind your chaotic soul I’ll always be there for you She smiled, closed her eyes, and suddenly realized Why it did’t work with anyone else I closed the book and heaved a sigh The title read… FICTION
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