800metre poser; to be or not to be — Nimali vs Dhammika Manike
View(s):By Susil Premalal

Manike told the Sunday Times: “I am a person who is not chasing after records. But I think injustice has taken place after my 24-year-old record which was established at the Barcelona Olympic Games track was broken by Liyanarachchi at the Duraiappah Stadium on a grass track with wind assistance. I returned a time of 2:03.87 seconds in Barcelona with electronic timing but Liyanarachchi was able to clock 2:03.5 seconds on hand timing. I am surprised that this record was broken at the Sports Festival without the wind-gate on a damaged grass track”.
Manike further said that she had earlier complaint to the Sports Minister Dayasiri Jayasekera through Susanthika Jayasinghe Consultant to the Minister of Sports but there was no positive response from the authorities.
She also noted that the 2016/17 IAAF Rule Book page number 276 clearly states that electronic timing is mandatory to ratify a record but the electronic timing is not needed for events over 1000 metres.
She lamented that a country which has produced an Olympic medal winner, still does not utilize the facility of electronic timing. “The Sports Ministry officials spend billions to send athletes for Olympic Games but they have neglected the most important aspect in a major track and field event” added Manike.
However, the Sunday Times learns that the electronic timings are mandatory only for the events in World Championships and Olympic Qualification Meets.
Meanwhile, President Athletic Association of Sri Lanka (AASL) Sugath Tillekaratne, AASL Recorder Saman Kumara Gunawardena and P. H. D. Waidyatillake IAAF Technical Officer confirmed that the electronic timing is required only for events from 100 metres to 400 metres according to the IAAF Rule Book.
They also squashed all statements made by Dhammika Manike and Susanthika Jayasinghe as this record has already been recognized by the IAAF.
Meanwhile, S. Wijeyaneethan, National Technical Official [IAAF Level I] and IAAF CECS Level III Coach issued the following statement to the media.
W. K. L. A. Nimali has achieved 2:03.5s timed in the 800m women’s event at the NSF Track and Field Competition. G. T. A. Aberathna has achieved 2:03.7s timed in 800m event and 4:18.7s timed in the 1500m event.
Both times were superior to the previous performance at that movement. Nimali, Aberathna, Sandakanthi [Bronze Medal in 800m event] and Dulani [Bronze Medal in 400m hurdles event] have achieved 3:43.5s timed in 4x400m relay event. No objections to give a new meet records for 800m, 1500m and 4x400m women’s track events at the NSF 2016. All the rights have the Organizing Committee of the NSF 2016.
Nimali established the NSF Track and Field competition’s 800m event records for 2013, 2015 and 2016 years. 800m event Sri Lanka National record may be broken by Nimali or G. T. A. Aberathna within one year in International Competition.
A problem has risen regarding, Nimali achieved 2:03.5s hand timing is a new Sri Lanka National Record or not for women 800m event?
The Sri Lanka Athletic Association had more than 70 years history and National Sports Festival’s Track and Field Competition had 42 years history. According to the National Sports Festival Track and Field Competition Book, Up to and including 800m events, only fully automatic timing performances were accepted for Official Results from 1998 to 2015. Health Sector and Education sector are going upward. Why Sri Lanka has fallen to hand timing National Record’s country from 2016?
Sri Lanka Athletic Association current President Sugath Tillekeratne was established the meet record and Sri Lanka National record in 400m event with fully automatic timing 45.83 seconds in NSF 1998.
“XLIInd National Sports Festival Track and Field competition will be organized in accordance with the IAAF and AASL Rules for Competition”
The above statement is in the XLIInd National Sports Festival Track and Field competition Book page No: 13. Page No: 13 is also indicated the word “IAAF Rule” for 3 times.
IAAF Rule 260.14[b] says; “for races up to and including 800m only performances timed by an approved Fully Automatic Timing and Photo Finish System confirming to the relevant section of rule 165 shall be ratified”.
XLIInd National Sports Festival Track and Field competition Book page No: 16 said regarding “Doping Test Will be conducted at random by the SLADA”. This sentence also extract from IAAF Rule 35.10[a].
IAAF Rule 260.3[e]says; “…… If such a testing results in a doping violation, or if such a testing is not conducted, the performance will not be ratified.
Who will ratify the Athletic Record?
IAAF Rule 260.9 says; “The President and General Secretary of the IAAF are authorized to recognized world Records. If they are in any doubt where or not the performance should be accepted, the case shall be referred to the council for decision”
Extract of the above rule had been implemented for many years to ratify the Sri Lanka National Athletic Records.
National Sports Festival’s Track and Field Competition is a highly recognized Meet in Sri Lanka.
According to the National Sports Festival’s Track and Field Competition Book; Page No: 4; Director Technical also one of the Management Official of the Competition.
IAAF Rule 120 to 139 says “Officials of the Competition and Duties” never indicate the Director Technical Official or his duties. Who gave the authority to sign the official NSF 800m women event Results Sheet? If you want to honour the ITO; you can appoint as the Technical Delegate of the Competition. The Rule is Rule. There are no bad Rules. Only bad decisions are taken by human [Leader]. Don’t hide-out behind the Nimali’s performance. In Sri Lanka, 100 of National Technical Officials and 1000 of Local Technical Officials were studied only IAAF Rule Book for Passed the Technical Official Exam. SLAA did not adapt any Athletic Rule Book only for Sri Lanka up to now. Statistical information is not a Rule, only for information. If Responsible person put a single sentence as “Hand timing also will be accepted for ratification of Record in NSF Track and Field Competition”. No more Question regarding Nimali’s performance.
If you are giving more favour to the athlete [Nimali]; SLAA may have two National Records for 800m women event: a Fully Automatic Timing National Record for 800m women event and a Hand Timing National Record for 800m women event.