MAS Slimline, MAS Unichela emerge champions

The champions of the men’s and women’s categories at the 89th ABA Men and Women Clifford Cup Boxing Meet MAS Slimline and MAS Unichela posing for a picture with their officials after receiving the trophy. Men’s best boxer P.V.D.D.D. Saparamadu of MAS Slimline. Women’s best boxer J.A.D. Jayasinghe of MAS Unichela.
Defending champions MAS Slimline Boxing Club Pannala and MAS Unichela Panadura emerged champions in the men’s and women’s category at the 89th ABA Men and Women Clifford Cup Boxing Championship concluded at the Royal Boxing Arena boxing ring in Reid Avenue.
MAS Slimline who are winning the title for the fifth successive year bagged four gold medals and a silver medal while second placed was Navy BC with four gold medals and in third was Army BC.
MAS Unichela came out easy winners and was way ahead in the medal tally winning four gold medals and a silver with Police BC who won two gold medals taking the second slot.
The two teams apart from winning the championship title bagged the best boxers awards of the meet with P.V.D.D.D. Saparamadu in the men’s and J.A.D. Jayasinghe in the women’s.
Two pugilists from the Air Force BC were adjudged the best losers with M.V.R.S. Bandara in the men’s category and H.S. Priyadharshani in the women’s category.
Light Flyweight 48lg – A.A.K. Nilmini (MAS Unichela) beat G.Y.M, Dishani (Air Force). Flyweight 51kg – J.A.D. Jaaysinghe (MAS Unichela) beat H.S. Priyadharshani (Air Force). Bantamweight 54kg – M.P.P.S. Cooray (Air Force) beat H.N.S. Thalgaspitiya (MAS Unichela ‘B’). Featherweight 57kg – K.A.D. Dharmatilleke (MAS Unichela) beat L.M.M. Maduwathi (Army). Lightweight 60kg – K.A.K. Hansika (MAS Unichela) beat S.B.A. Sandamali (Police). Light Welterweight 64kg – H.M.K.G.L. Udyangani (MAS Unichela) beat W.M.L. Wanasinghe (Police). Welterweight 69kg – P.C.K. Jayasekera (MAS Unichela) beat D.M.N. Chandraratne (Police). Middleweight 75kg – P.K. Sumudu (Air Force) beat A.M.P. Atapattu (MAS Unichela). Heavyweight 81kg – D.D.S. Weeraratne (Police) beat I.W.S. Chandrasekera (MAS Unichela). Super Heavyweight 81 and over – J.A.S.I. Jayasinghe (Police) beat R.M.S. Ratnayake (MAS Unichela).
Light Flyweight 49kg – A.M.G.I. Bandara (Navy) beat P.M.T.S. Ranasinghe (Hela). Flyweight 52kg – B.G.R.I. Warnasooriya (Hela) beat M.V.R.S. Bandara (Air Force). Bantamweight 56kg – P.D. Suresh (MAS Slimline) w/o from A.K. Maduranga (Vidyaratana UC) Lightweight 60kg – N.G.S. Jayaweera (MAS Slimline) w/o from K.A.S. Bhanuka. Light Welterweight 64kg – P.V.D.D.D. Saparamadu (MAS Alimline) beat K.G.C. Pathmasiri (Air Force). Welterweight 69kg – R.G.S. Kumarasinghe (Navy) beat P.D.D. Maduranga (Air Force). Middleweight 75kg – D.L.P.R. Kumara (Navy) beat D. Gunasekera (MAS Slimline ‘B’). Light Heavyweight 81kg – G.T.R. Madusanka (MAS Slimline) beat J.P.M. Jayaweera (Air Force). Heavyweight 91kg – G.A.N. Fernando (Navy) beat I.B.N. Bandara (Air Force). Super Heavyweight 91 and over – A.R.B.E. Tillekeratne (Air Force) beat A.M.I. Himesh (MAS Slimline).