International salutation for Gurudevi Sunil Santha
Gurudevi Sunil Santha commermorative lecture 2016 under the title ‘Sunil Santha; The man who invented Sinahala music for a modern age’ will be deliverd by Prof. Tony Donaldson from Monash university Australia at 3 pm on December 14 at the Sri Lanka Foundation auditorium.
The lecture will be presented in English and will be translated into Sinhala by Dr. Ruwan Ekanayake.
Prof. Donaldson is a lecturer in philosophy and had studied about different music and dancing styles around the world. He has worked with a number of world renowned mucisians and had studied several Asian languages.
In 1996 he visited Sri Lanka and studies various musical patterns and traditional drums and rythems. During his stay around one year he studied traditional ‘Theva’ in Dalada Maligawa. It was during this time he first came across the music of Sunil Santha and was mesmorised by it. This led Prof. Donaldson to explore Sunil Santha’s music and he ended completing an extensive study on the legendary musician and his music. He had done such a comprehensive study that no scholar had studied about Sunil Santha’s music to that depth.

Prof. Tony Donaldson