2016: Unpublished pictures

All smiles then: President Maithripala Sirisena greets former President Mahinda Rajapaksa at an event to mark Ven. Dawuldena Gnanissara Mahnayaka Thera's 100th Birthday

No it's not head-butting but a shared secret between former Indian High Commissioner Y. K. Sinha and Opposition Leader R. Sambanthan at a European Union event in Colombo

Jaffna: A trip to 'World's End'

Helping Aranayake victims the Japanese way

Fiery blessings as 2016 dawned

Galle Face: Lowering the National flag captured by a Chinese tourist

May Day float

Tourists on a jumbo about to lift-off

Medical Faculty students on the march

Yoshita remanded

Jaffna: Worshipping the Sun God during Thai Pongal celebrations

Sun or rain: More student protests

Dress code for mothers at a leading boys school in Colombo

Deluge in Colombo: Brooms turn into oars (More unpublished pix of 2016 next week)