Home » ColumnsGin-Nilwala diversion project: Rs. 4.1 billion paid to Chinese firm but no work

Payments amounting to more than Rs. 4.1 billion have been made to a Chinese contractor for the Gin-Nilwala Diversion Project, but no work has been carried out, Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake has told ministerial colleagues. In a note explaining the current situation over the project, he has said that a Committee of three senior officials [...]
As 2017 dawns, Rainbow Coalition faces thunderstorms

UNP and SLFP frontliners publicly argue over CBSL bond issue, corruption probes and Development (Special Provisions) Bill But silver lining emerges after UNP MPs meet President and get reassurances from him Ravi seeks approval for sweeping measures to regulate financial institutions By Our Political Editor Sri Lanka and its people today ushered in a New [...]
Not a bumper year

My dear Citizens of paradise, I am writing to wish you a very happy New Year, keeping in mind all that happened during the year that just ended and looking forward to the year that is just beginning. As to whether you wish the next year would be as good or as bad as the [...]
2017 a challenging year; global uncertainty, higher oil prices, drought and energy crunch

The new year that has just dawned will be a challenging one. Global economic conditions are uncertain, world economic growth sluggish, oil prices expected to increase and drought and power cuts are expected. Tea prices, workers’ remittances and tourist earnings are expected to increase. While the trade deficit is likely to be high owing to [...]
Not allowing the option of jury trials in ‘politically excitable’ cases

Consternation accompanied by fervent chest beating on the part of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) in regard to the acquittal of suspects (including three Navy intelligence officers) charged with the murder of TNA parliamentarian and lawyer N. Raviraj in Colombo in 2006, is an instructive lesson in regard to the evils of political game-playing. Notably [...]
Begin the New Year in a spirit of unity

Unity is strength. But most families are unable to maintain unity. Some were even broken up or destroyed. No country where rice is the staple diet has run into a shortage of rice but this has happened in Sri Lanka largely because in rice producing areas, many young people prefer to go for other jobs [...]
And now you are telling us

Well what do you know! Politicians do, now and then, tell the truth. Sometimes it is varnished, sometimes not. But at least the truth does out, wittingly or unintentionally, however embarrassing it might be to those who ply the trade. The other day the Minister of Labour and Trade Union Relations W.D.J. Seneviratne is reported [...]
Saturn promises 2017 to be Lanka’s make or break year

The verdict according to Grahapalanaya: The nation will never have it so good again for years to come As Lanka wakes this Sunday morn to a New Year dawn of Good Hope, it must be the fervent wish of all that it will not turn out to be yet another false dawn. It was indeed [...]