President Maithripala Sirisena President Maithripala Sirisena in a new year message said the year 2017 dawns with new hopes of prosperity, coexistence and reconciliation in our hearts. The twenty two million people of Sri Lanka look forward to an era of sustainability with a determination to alleviate poverty in all its forms, his message said. [...]


New year messages


President Maithripala Sirisena

President Maithripala Sirisena in a new year message said the year 2017 dawns with new hopes of prosperity, coexistence and reconciliation in our hearts.

The twenty two million people of Sri Lanka look forward to an era of sustainability with a determination to alleviate poverty in all its forms, his message said.

It is imperative that we overcome the challenges ahead of us. The progress of the human race was pioneered by people who faced challenges with confidence, utmost courage and determination amidst obstacles. Our goals could be achieved if we manage our work efficiently and productively, and do the right thing at the right time with unwavering commitment to serve the greater good.

The adverse effects of climate change show us the imperative need to be prepared for uncertainties of weather. We have to be determined this year to live with nature and not above or against it.

Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe

Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe in his message said as economic activity increases under good governance towards making Sri Lanka a viable destination, the Government is focused on empowering the people while encouraging co-existence and harmony between all communities.

The message said the new year dawns as the Government of Good Governance marks two years in office. During these two years, we have achieved many milestones.

Yet undoubtedly, much needs to be done in our pursuit of being a fully fledged democracy that is economically sound and socially empowered.

The abolition of the 18th Amendment which cast a shadow of dictatorship and suppressed democracy, has been one of our greatest achievements during these two years. We have also been able to transform the perceptions the international community held with regard to Sri Lanka, enabling the country to build strategic relationships with other countries.

Dealing effectively with crimes against humanity, halting the wastage of public funds, minimising corruption, establishing relevant commissions, finalising the Right to Information Act, ensuring freedom for all, easing the cost of living as loans overburden the economy and creating political stability while laying the foundation for economic development are among the achievements of the Government during these two years.

He said the Government seeks the co-operation of all Sri Lankans in defeating agendas that are aimed at disrupting Sri Lanka’s course set for success.

Opposition Leader R. Sampanthan

Leader of the Opposition R. Sampanthan in his greeting said 2017 will be a crucial year in the history of our country. Our expectation, is that we should find a permanent and lasting solution to the national question. The new Constitution in the New Year, should bring about this achievement.

While acknowledging diversity in our communities in several aspects, my appeal to all the people in this country is that we should strive hard to not let such diversity become a barrier to building a prosperous and peaceful country for our future generations.

I call upon all political parties, religious leaders, civil society and the people of this country to join hands in working together to build a prosperous and peaceful country. Let us not miss this golden opportunity in the coming year.

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