HSG: One stop shop for household items and more

Pix by Amila Gamage
Launching their new and improved outlet, Home Store Gallery (HSG) in Dehiwala offers customers the opportunity to personalise their homes with a new range of items with four featured sections in the store. HSG, which initially started as a family business supplying wallpapers imported from Germany has expanded their range of items which are now displayed over two floors.
A selection of carpets and rugs imported from Pakistan and a mini outlet named ‘Malabis’ that offers Shalwars and branded designer pieces from Pakistan will interest the ladies. For baby products such as baby clothes, cot sets, mums and dads with babies and youngsters could head to the ‘Mommy Designer boutique’at the store. Customers can order custom-made products of their choice.
Home Store Gallery also has table linen, cushion covers, bed sheets and quilts, towels, bathroom sets, glass water bottles, spice racks, mason jars, glass canisters, cutlery and now gives their customers the option of a registry service for an upcoming wedding or baby shower. There are weekly offers on selected items throughout the year and they hope to open an online shop soon.
The Home Store Gallery is at No. 47, S.D.S Jayasinghe Mawatha, Kohuwala open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. For more details visit www.facebook.com/homestoregallery.lk