Sunday Times 2
Warm and Vibrant wishes for 2017 from Macksons
View(s):Dear Fellow Sri Lankans,
I wish 2017 will bring prosperity to our motherland with true peace and harmony among all communities to stand up as one Sri Lanka. Words alone will not sphere to achieve this task, but work with genuine effort and work in harmony with an objective. Sri Lanka is among the very few countries in the world today that is poised to grow, as many countries around the globe are suffering from civil war, genocide, industrial conflicts, economic recessions, worse economic blunder and many bold leaders taking risks at the expense of their masses.

Mizver Makeen
I wish 2017 is the year all Sri Lankans should unite and take the country forward. We are faced with very minor issues which often get over-blown by social media and the general media, and groups who have selfish interests that do not care about the country and its people. I wish all the Best in 2017 to the government of Sri Lanka and to all opposition parties to work out a framework to step ahead from where we stand and achieve a better life style and a better livelihood for all fellow Sri Lankans at the dawn of 2018.
As a home-grown entrepreneur grown from scratch to a large group of companies today, our mission in the New Year is to add value to anything that can bring capital gains to our country. The equation is simple, our country is indebted. We have to overcome this situation. All fellow Sri Lankans are liable for the debt of our country.
We have two ways, way number one, to scold all past politicians and the current and do nothing about it. Way two is to think as a patriotic citizen of this land and work with our government and leadership, format a strategy and contribute immensely or even in a small way to eradicate our overly dependence of borrowed living culture. I wish our political leaders All the Best for 2017, and also wish their faith in fellow Sri Lankans and the Sri Lankan Entrepreneurship and capabilities in achieving economic prosperity to Our Motherland will enhance.
In the world Sri Lanka is not alone, it has become a part of a global village but you can’t find patriotic Sri Lankans to be born in the other part of the world, who would add value to the Sri Lankan economy. Just the way a son of the soil would strive to achieve in the global village. The so called FDI’s would always look at making a buck out of the resources of the motherland, they’ll loot and eat the flesh and leave not even the bones for our sustainers. So it is high time that all politicians of this country work out a plan to make economic policies that will enhance the contribution of Sri Lankan partnerships with International stake holders in terms of general investments, boosting exports, infrastructure so on and so forth.
My humble request to all highly successful large Sri Lankan Businessman is to make good use of the economic climate and peace in our motherland and engage in assisting the small and medium entrepreneurs and farming community to adopt automation technics to enhance the agricultural production and curtail dependence of imported products and reduce the outflow of our valuable foreign exchange. Let us all strive hard to stop sending our Mothers, Sisters and Daughters overseas as housemaids and make a living out of their sweat and blood and hardships. Let us all contribute in generating employment, increase income for all fellow Sri Lankans in order to make our society to live in harmony.
Finally I wish a very happy and prosperous new year for everyone and to the Macksons Holdings family of over 3000 employees, a strong Sri Lankan family consisting of Buddhist, Hindus, Christians, Muslims and Malays who have made Sri Lanka Proud. At Macksons Holdings the only criteria in getting employment is to be HUMAN.
Yours ever,
Mizver Makeen,
Managing Director-
Macksons Holdings