‘Shopbox’ offering entrepreneurs a platform to create websites

Sabir Esufali
Three years ago, Farthab Feisal, Sabir Esufali, Robert Sandrasagara and Ryan Jayawardena wanted to try their hand at an online retail business. However, when the group attempted the actual process of developing their website, etc. they discovered both an obstacle and a new idea for their business. They switched goals from online retail to an easy to use web platform that helps small online businesses with the problematic task of setting up. Their brainchild is simply called “ShopBox”.
“We thought maybe this was the problem,” explains Farthab, of the initial struggle they went through as a hopeful online business themselves. Added to this were the costs of business registration, taxes, etc. adds Robert, which add to the list of practical problems any small business owner would face. ShopBox then, provides the online vendor with a user friendly platform that allows them to create their own website without the massive costs and hassle that would accompany any small scale entrepreneur without in depth IT know how.
Incidentally none of the group has a background in IT. Their skills and work experience range from business, entrepreneurship, marketing to aviation. It’s no wonder then, that ShopBox focuses on it’s easy to use interface, ideal for the everyday, not highly tech savvy user.
“When providing the platform, you have to think of what is feasible” Sabir emphasizes. ShopBox has been created to serve as a self-sustaining site.
With many people preferring to work more on their phones, and even while they’re on holiday the innovative team have programmed the site so that vendors can manage their sites on their phones or even while they’re travelling.
Armed with what they describe as an ‘industrious mentality’ the process itself is simple. The 1-2 hour procedure comes with an assortment of templates to choose from and easy customizing options. “All you need,” lists Ryan is a minimum of 25 products, pictures and a get go attitude, adds Robert.
Their final product didn’t come as easily as the simple website their users see today. “It was a challenge to come up with a business model,” says Sabir, as well as getting the banks to trust them. “But we had a duty to our clients,” which is why trust and customer service are integral to the identity of ShopBox. As always, the team thinks forward and long term. It’s why ShopBox also offers their clients the freedom to make multiple changes that come with the expansion of their businesses minus the hassle and the costs that come with developments, updates and even simpler changes such as pictures and backgrounds, adds Robert.
“For most of our clients it’s a big shift,” he adds. With only three years behind them, their satisfied client base includes several startups such as a&m Cupcakes, older companies- Cholie Boutique and online event managing bodies such as Colombo Fashion Week and the Electric Peacock Festival.
“The whole economic system is changing,” says Farthab, and the team at ShopBox who hope to offer entrepreneurs a hand in adapting to it.

Farthab Faisal

Ryan Jayawardena

Robert Sandrasagara. Pix by Indika Handuwala
For more details log on to https://shopbox.lk/