Still on the same sport a big tamasha took place in the ‘mulla’ that is ‘Battara’ where a singing couple had been paid Rs.300.000 for a duet. The question is who had authorised this amount for a single song – good or bad? AGMs around the corner Now that the Annual General Meetings are scheduled [...]

The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

The singing duo


Still on the same sport a big tamasha took place in the ‘mulla’ that is ‘Battara’ where a singing couple had been paid Rs.300.000 for a duet. The question is who had authorised this amount for a single song – good or bad?

AGMs around the corner

Now that the Annual General Meetings are scheduled to be held in May this year, almost all sports bodies are gearing for it. The incumbent president of the sport that is made of running and jumping is trying to make a comeback even though it is alleged that he has done nothing worthwhile for this sport. Trying to stop him is a former political aide. But the department that is in charge of sports is not to keen on him eying the post as he is supposed to a favourite of the former regime.

Youth vs Experience

It is the same with the sport that is played with a ball and net, which some are trying to change from being the sport that is national. A young man is aspiring to be at the helm of this sport and moves are being made to bring a powerful politician to oppose him. Who will be the winner? The youngster or the politician. Your guess is as good as mine!

A question about vehicles

It looks as if vehicles are the chief subject among contestants of AGMs these days. One candidate of a popular sport says that he has been using eight vehicles while another says it was only four. Whatever the amount, it is a certainty that these vehicles have been used without proper administration. To a question by the media it was stated that the amount of vehicles that have been misused is four. Eight or four, a fault has been made. Who is to blame?

Heavy mud-slinging

There is heavy mud-slinging going on in a popular sport with both candidates eying the president’s post. In fact to cover up as to who is actually coming forward dummies are being used so as not to disclose the read candidates. One side is expected to nominate a candidate from a former president of the sport. And so the battle continues.

Spouses berating
over the phone

Sri Lanka is still basking in the glory of the 1996 World Cup win but there are certain differences between the players of that historic win.  There are differences between two players who were in the team of that historic win and it has spread to their spouses as well, because these ladies are berating each other over the telephone these days.

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