JKH filed its first patent related to novel energy storage material
The JKH research team
John Keells Holdings PLC (JKH) has filed its first patent jointly with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) – India, in the area of energy storage materials.
This patent application was a result of a research project carried out in India at the National Metallurgical Lab (NML) based on an idea generated by the John Keells Research (JKR). NML is one of the research labs of CSIR-India located at Jamshedpur, Jharkhand and JKR is the research unit of JKH working in the areas of Nanotechnology and advanced materials, Sustainable Energy and Energy Storage, Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology, Food and Water and Physics & Internet of things (IoT), the Sri Lankan company said in a media announcement.
The patent application filed at the Indian patent office in December 2016 is related to a composite nanomaterial which could be used in energy storage. This composite nanomaterial can be synthesized with raw materials found in Sri Lanka and has biocompatibility and low cost per unit of power stored as major advantages compared to similar materials. “JKR continues to innovate and this new patent application is part of their commitment to creating intellectual property in the above areas. Dr. Muditha Senarath-Yapa, Vice President of JKH with a small team of young Sri Lankan scientists, spearheaded this initiative through which JKH has been exploring innovative ways of leveraging novel technologies to create value for the group and the country,” the release said..
JKH Chairman Susantha Ratnayake, Chairman JKH said “there is a growing interest in energy storage materials and our research and development is critical to create new solutions that can have a lasting impact on energy storage devices. JKH endeavours to file and prosecute this patent application in all the relevant markets in the near future.”