SLPI conducts RTI awareness programme in Uva
SLPI trainer Ameen Hussain conducting a lecture on RTI to a group of Tamil media journalists
As part of its ongoing, countrywide Right to Information (RTI) awareness programme, the Sri Lanka Press Institute (SLPI) this week, conducted a training programme in Sinhala and Tamil for provincial journalists in the Uva Province. The sessions were held on January 18 at Hotel Malindi Inn, Badulla. The programme had 45 participants from the Bandarawela and Moneragala Districts.
The programme is designed to promote the use of the RTI Act, communicate the Act in a simplified manner, the benefits of the law and practical issues when requesting for information.
The programme in the Uva Province followed similar workshops conducted by the SLPI in Gampaha, Galle, Kandy and Colombo.

SLPI trainer Attorney/journalist Radika Gunaratne conducting a session on RTI to a group of Sinhala journalists