A big party is planned on the beaches of Negombo and all have been invited to attend it. The reason for this big bash is that the elections are around the corner and the present boss is in fear of losing his position and wants to make sure that by giving this big bash, he [...]

The Sunday Times Sri Lanka



A big party is planned on the beaches of Negombo and all have been invited to attend it. The reason for this big bash is that the elections are around the corner and the present boss is in fear of losing his position and wants to make sure that by giving this big bash, he will get the votes that are required, to stay for another term. But there had been occasions after such big bashes in the past, those who had attended such functions have voted for the other side!


There are plans to postpone the AGM of a frontline sports body as there are plans to attend a congress in a nearby Asian country. The present boss of this sport is in fear of losing his post and wants to attend this meeting in case he loses the votes and may not get another chance to attend a congress of this nature. There is another section that wants the present boss to attend the meeting and has even assured that he will be given accommodation and air-tickets.


Two officials were seen going hammer and tongs at each other at a sports meeting. Those who watched the fighting were aghast as they were good friends at one time with one being the secretary of the association and the other being in the administration section. Earlier they seemed to be mango friends, but there had been undercurrents all the time.


Now there are plans to remove the present skipper of a leading sport because the results have not been that good. But the coach wants to retain him as he feels that there may be an upheaval in the side if this player is asked to step down. So now it is in the balance. Who will triumph? Most are of the opinion that in time to come the team will be a fighting outfit. But how long can one wait?


There are plans to shift the present headquarters of a leading sport and have its own headquarters. Presently they are occupying premises of a club and paying rent for it too. The estimated cost for the new building is in the region of Rs. 25 Million. But the strange thing is that the contract is to be handed over to the son of a present member, who is waiting with open arms, to start the building.

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