Sunday Times 2
New appointments at SAARC Cultural Centre
View(s):Kishani Jayasinghe-Wijayasekara and Dr. Lopamudra Bajpai from India took up duties recently as Deputy Director (Programmes) and Culture Specialist (Research) respectively of the SAARC Cultural Centre.
The SAARC Cultural Centre will function under the supervision of the Director Wasanthe Kotuwella and Deputy Director (Programmes) Kishani Jayasinghe-Wijayasekara in order to promote and develop South Asian culture throughout the SAARC Region.

Director Wasanthe Kotuwella handing over the letter of appointment to the new Deputy Director (Programmes), Kishani Jayasinghe - Wijayasekara at the SAARC Cultural Centre

Culture Specialist (Research), Dr. LopamudraBajpai assumes Office at the SCC