A view from IGers!

Amani Pilapitiya
“Capture” and “discover” could well be the theme of our present generation. Over the years we have seen a dramatic rise to the quality of pictures and videos taken by Instagrammers, whether on a Nikon, Canon, an iPhone or Samsung. This week we feature a selection of Instagrammers who have stretched their creative muscles above and beyond the small square space of their accounts.
Alice Luker – @styleinsrilanka
A professional travel blogger from the UK, Alice Luker identifies Sri Lanka as a “beautiful and vibrant country where her spiritual home and heart lies” – a fashion photographer who is so enamoured by Sri Lanka that over the years she decides to post on her social media sites so lovingly about it, it gladdens the heart.
Amalini De Sayrah – @amaliniii
Manipulating the lighting in her pictures to depict a shadowy, melancholy effect, aesthetically so appealing it leaves a chill in your soul and capturing some beloved locations coupled with sentimental captions, this Instagrammer deserves not only a follow but to relish in a million “double taps”.
Ayshcharya Pinto – @sollakella
“My eye, your world” her bio reads. Simply put her pictures are a more vibrant twist to mundane tasks. Whether it be sun-yellowed thambili against the cerulean blue of the ocean or a pod of dolphins frolicking in Kalpitiya, this 22-year-old animal activist and nature enthusiast will speak to your humanity with a couple of clicks from her camera
Nazly Ahmed – @nazlyahmed

Amalini De Sayrah
His bio data hosts a gamut of his skills and interests and his gallery a collection of oohs and aahs from his followers. With 500 posts complimenting his varied interests Nazly takes us on a journey in and around Colombo, from an innocent cat glancing skyward to the grumpy balloon man (whose face clearly states that the colourful party balloon seller wasn’t his intended career)
Promod Kavishka – @he_accidently
Much like his username Promod was simply put an accidental stumble on our great Instagram quest. One of his recent pictures taken of a smartly dressed Kandy station master in his crisp white uniform, straight posture and hands stiffly folded behind him tagged with the caption “All aboooard” takes viewers on a journey. ‘Baggage – Optional’ gives us a possible glimpse of Pramod’s personality which shines through his pictures. From comic con to a little boy swinging against a brick wall, this Instagrammer captures pictures which speak of his true artistry.
Amani Pilapitiya – @amani.pila
A self-confessed “Impartial observer” what’s so interesting about this account is Amani’s disinterest in explaining her pictures instead allowing her photography to speak for itself. She simply adds a song into the caption area. On viewing a particular image of a man sweeping the steps of Sigiriya and listening to her recommended song “Flume” by Bon Iver –we were transported. The gentle sound complimented by the gravelly voice of the singer made me think of the swish and sway of the worker’s ekel broom as it swept up the sand of visitors footprints. To have your visual and auditory senses probed, go follow Amani.
TAbdul HalikAzeez – @colombedouin
This wandering nomad made this list for his ability to evade the mainstream hipster trends of cafés and coffee and instead focus on compelling yet honest photography. The pictures are in warm tones and colours, raw and enticing, and his modest captions only add to the story behind the picture and make us want to see more of his work.

Promod Kavishka

Ayshcharya Pinto

Nazly Ahmed