Photo focus: Dengue spreads
Story and pix by Sarath Siriwardena
With the spread in the number of dengue patients, especially in the Western Province, Public Health Inspectors (PHIs) have been put on alert to identify the new breeding grounds of the dengue mosquito.
The search has now been extended to new areas where possible dengue breeding grounds could exist.
On Friday PHIs searched several boatyards in Beruwela where many abandoned boats have have turned to be ideal breeding grounds for the dengue mosquito.
In many instances water has collected in abandoned boats and cannot be regularly cleared. To meet the challenge officials have commenced introducing fresh water fish that eat the dengue mosquito larvae.
Officials have been instructed to concentrate their search for possible dengue mosquito breeding grounds in areas which are usually not searched or spotted during routine searches.

Boats like these abandoned vessels (pictured) have become mega breeding grounds for the dengue mosquito

(Left) PHIs cut open the bottom of tyres used on the sides of boats and (below) fish being introduced into areas which are difficult to clear

Once mid-sea vessels, these boats are now breeding grounds for mosquitoes

Mosquito larvae discovered in holds of abandoned vessels

An abandoned boat: A likely mosquito breeding ground