Changes in the agreement

This article is part of a continuing series  on Sri Lankan history The Dutch did not have any hope of recovering their dues from the king. But they had no intention of releasing the lands they had captured. This is clear from what they had written. The land they mean starts from Weligampitiya and stretched [...]
Little Crab and The Shell

By Manoshi de Silva There was once a little crab, who lived under a rock. He lived all alone because, he didn’t trust anyone and he was always afraid of others. So he didn’t like talking with anyone or being near them. He felt bored and lonely all the time. So one day he decided [...]
Kids Essays
Are zoos favourable for the animal kingdom? The zoo is a place where different kinds of animals are kept so that the public can come and see them. There are many varieties of animals that you can find in the zoo. One major advantage of the zoo is that if we want to see an [...]