106th B’day greetings to LOUISA ARULAMMA THAMBYRAJAH On February 6, you celebrated your birthday – you are 106 years young! Such rare occasions are a wonderful time to look and thank God for His grace and guidance. How thankful we are that in 1959, just one year after the ethnic riots of 1958 that you [...]

Sunday Times 2

Grateful thanks from those in whom the “Navajeevanam Legacy” lives on


106th B’day greetings to LOUISA ARULAMMA THAMBYRAJAH
On February 6, you celebrated your birthday – you are 106 years young! Such rare occasions are a wonderful time to look and thank God for His grace and guidance. How thankful we are that in 1959, just one year after the ethnic riots of 1958 that you and your team took a big step forward on behalf of humanity to establish a haven of peace and reconciliation in the Vanni!

Thank you for daring to tame the rustic landscape of Murassamoddai along with Sr. Elizabeth Baker and Thambyrajah Pothakar. It was your implicit trust in the Almighty God, along with much imagination and a lot of perspiration that you all hand-crafted, fashioned and moulded the Navajeevanam Boys’ Home! Thank you for being the “anchor” of the team and mother to your own six sons and six other boys in your pioneer homestead in the rustic wilds of Killinochchi. You translated dreams into action in the shape of a little home with a large verandah and dormitory where all your boys slept on mats on the luxury sand cushioned floor! Thank you for staying on with your dream for over 50 years, you are just amazing!

Ammah you, you alone are left to remember the birth and gradual growth of the “Navajeevannam Legacy” and on your 106th Birthday we thank God for you. Thank you for being the “woman behind every successful man- Thambyrajah Pothakar and successful woman – Sr Elizabeth Baker, MBE! You, like your Master shunned honour, publicity or recognition, you simply served with a smile and you still are able to smile, Ammah thank you again for just being you!

Today, I join countless numbers of grateful men and women in our land and other nations in whom the “Navajeevanam Legacy” lives on, to say Happy Birthday Ammah and many more blessings to come!

-Rev. Reggie Ebenezer

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