St. John’s favoured over rivals Jaffna Central
The big match fever spreads to Jaffna peninsula as all arrangements have been finalised for the 111th Battle of the North big match between St. John’s Jaffna and Jaffna Central scheduled to be played over three days from March 9 to 11 at the Jaffna Central grounds.
The Battle of the North is the oldest playing big match in the Jaffna peninsula and according to records available from the 110 matches that have been played so far St John’s are leading the series with 35 wins as against the 27 won by Jaffna Central with 40 drawn and one abandoned while results of seven matches are not available.
The Johnians were the last winners of the encounter which they achieved in 2015 and the Centralites last win was recorded in the year 2011.
St John’s led by fifth year coloursman Sebamalapillai Jeni Flemin have enjoyed a fairly successful season having played 18 matches securing seven outright wins against Kokuvill Hindu, Canagaratnam MMV Jaffna, Anuradhapura Central, Skandavarothaya Chunnakam, Jaffna Hindu College, Mahajana Tellipalai and St Patrick’s Jaffna.
But this time out even though the two teams seem to be balanced the Johnians are favoured due to the fact that they posses a strong batting line up and comprising of allrounders.
Skipper Jeni Flemin will have in his ranks two experience players both fifth year coloursman Vasanthan Jathusan and Kanagaratnam Kabilraj who has cracked a ton specially the former who has been in top form in both batting and bowling departments.
They posses a strong batting outfit which will be spearheaded by skipper Jeni Flemin who has been in top form and consistent this season having scored three tons and he has another dependable batsman in Chandramohan Thevaprashanth who is the other centurion of the side.
The bowling will be in the hands of skipper and left arm spinner Vasanthan Jathushan who was adjudged the best bowler and best allrounder in the encounter last year.
Vasanthan has been the main bowler for the side and will need the support of right arm pacie Kabilraj, skipper Jeni Flemin, Jeyakumar Krishanthujan and Benjamin Niroshan to curtail the Centralite batting.
Jaffna Central is also led by a fifth year coloursman U. Priyalaxshan is coming into the encounter with an unbeaten record having played nine matches and winning eight against Centralites SC, Ibbagamuwa Central, Mahajana Tellipalai, Zahira Akurana, Skandavarothaya Chunnakam, St Patrick’s Jaffna, Kokuvil Hindu Jaffna Hindu.
Skipper Priyalaxshan will look for the support in the batting from experience players in deputy skipper S. Katheepan, S. Komethagan and A. Jeroshan along with S. Kowthaman, S. Thasopan and S. Mathushan in the batting department.
Their bowling will be spearheaded by right arm pacies Priyalaxshan and Katheepan Jeroshan, Thasopan and Mathusan’s support being crucial for them to restrict the Johnian batting.
The Centralite batsmen will have to do something extra-ordinary in both the batting and bowling department if they are hoping to give their opponents some challenge.
However looking back at the performances of the two teams this season it points out to being a keenly contested game with the scales in favour of the Johnians.
The limited over match following the three day game is scheduled to be played on March 18 at St John’s ground. This will be the 15th in the series with the two teams sharing seven wins each and one abandoned.

Jaffna Central -- Seated from left: S. Sureshmohan (Coach), S. Suheethan (POG), U. Priyalaxan (Capt), S.K. Elilventhan (Principal), S. Kartheepan, K. Nilaxshan (MIC); Middle row from left: S. Thusanthan, T. Selvaraj, T. Sajeevan, S. Thasopan, S. Mathushan, A. Nithusan, S. Kowthaman, K. Nicksan, S. Sujan, A. Jeyatharshan; Top row from left: S. Komethagan, S.. Rajclinton, B. Kugashathus, K. Iyalarasan, A. Jeroshan.

St. John’s Jaffna -- Seated from left: Daniel Surenthiran (Coach), C. Thevaprashanth, S. Jeni Flemin (Capt), Rev. N.J. Gnanaponrajah (Principal), V. Jathushan, K. Kabilraj, V. Kumanan (POG); Middle row from left: S. Karunyan, M. Abinash, S. Ajay, I. Krishanthujan, Benjamin Niroshan, P. Somaskaran, D. Sheropan, Joseph Stalon, N. Sowmiyan; Top row from left: Sheron Leoni, P. Thulaxshan, V. Abilaxshan, T. Dinoshan, V. Sinthujan, Joel Piraveen, S. Sanushan.