A resident in Kandy has complained to the Attorney General that the new car he purchased from a private company did not conform to the fuel efficiency specifications and public advertisements published by the company. Lionel Wijesundera -a former public servant and resident at Wriyapola Sri Sumangala Mawatha said the company in its advertisements and [...]


AG’s assistance sought regarding bogus fuel efficiency claims


A resident in Kandy has complained to the Attorney General that the new car he purchased from a private company did not conform to the fuel efficiency specifications and public advertisements published by the company.

Lionel Wijesundera -a former public servant and resident at Wriyapola Sri Sumangala Mawatha said the company in its advertisements and brochures claimed the vehicle ran 23 km per litre, but in reality its performance was only 17.48 km per litre.

He added that even though seven months had passed, the inquiry into his complaint was still at a preliminary stage with no attempt by the company to recompense. Hence he had complained to the Consumer Protection Authority (CPA) for redress.

Unfortunately the response of the CPA left much to be desired. In its response the CPA stated “the Consumer Protection Authority is not in a position to send a suitable representative to participate at the fuel test as they could not find a suitable person from within or outside to represent the organisation at a fuel test ” Faced with this situation Mr. Wijesundera has now sought the advice of the Attorney General as to how he is to proceed with the matter.

In his letter to the Attorney General Mr. Wijesundera said certain tests were undertaken by himself individually, as well as in collaboration with the company concerned, but the said company seemed to be avoiding the issue. It was in these circumstances he said, he sought protection and advice from the Attorney General.

“If this matter is not resolved” Wijesundera told the Sunday Times, many more vehicle owners in the country would be duped by the blatantly false claims and promises made by the company regarding the performance of the vehicles they were putting up for sale.

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