Take a walk in the wetlands of Thalawathugoda
All set with maps in hand: Budding environmentalists at last year’s walk
The Wildlife and Nature Protection Society of Sri Lanka (WNPS) will set out on a ‘Wetland Walk’ on Sunday, April 2 from 7.30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Biodiversity Study Park, Thalawathugoda, especially designed for children between 4 – 12 years.
Children and their parents will be taken on a guided nature walk, in small groups at this urban wetland. Children and parents ‘exploring’ together is expected to generate interest among parents to continue the learning experience even at home. The first ‘Wetland Walk’ was in December 2016, with some 120 children and their parents.
The guided tours are organised using a group of handpicked experts from the scientific community linked to environmental conservation, the Young Zoologists Association and volunteers from within the WNPS. The discussion on the field tour focuses on both flora and fauna found in the wetlands, along with why wetlands are important for the city and the country.
The Biodiversity Study Park, Thalawathugoda close to Parliament and extending over 60 acres is home to more than 50 species of wetland birds (including migrants), over 25 butterfly species, many types of fishes, dragonflies, mammals, amphibians, reptiles and many terrestrial and aquatic plant species.
Pre-registration is recommended since only 100 children will be accommodated. For more details please contact the WNPS office by phone 0112 887 390 or email,
The entrance fee is Rs. 1,000 per child (includes membership as a WNPS Junior Member for 2017).

Thalawathugoda: An urban wetland