Tonight! Don’t miss The Tempest at Viharamahadevi Park

“When shall we three meet again in thunder, lightning, or in rain? When the hurlyburly’s done, When the battle ‘s lost and won” cackle a coven of witches ominously. With this the Workshop Players’ production of Macbeth was held on March 24 and 25 at the Ape Gama open air Theatre in Battaramulla. Under the [...]
Panel discussion on ‘How many doctors do we need for Sri Lanka?’
A panel discussion on ‘How many doctors do we need for Sri Lanka?’ organised by the College of Medical Educationists, Sri Lanka, will be held on Tuesday, April 4 from 4-7 p.m. at the Main Hall, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo. The resource persons will be Prof. Lalitha Mendis, former President of the Sri [...]
Little Dimuth needs urgent open heart surgery

Little Dimuth Damsithu Randeera Rajapaksha is suffering from Complex Congenital Heart Disease, Pulmonary Atresia, VSD, Multiple aorto Pulmonary Collaterals and needs urgent open heart surgery. This complex surgery is to be performed at MIOT Centre for Children’s Cardiac Care, MIOT Hospital, Chennai as it is not available in Sri Lanka. The total cost of the [...]
Estonian President receives Lanka’s envoy

Ambassador Damayanthie Rajapakse presented her Letter of Credence to Estonia’s President Kersti Kaljulaid on March 21. The Ambassador apprised the Estonian President on the steps taken by the Government of Sri Lanka to strengthen democracy, rule of law, good governance and the reconciliation process. Ms.Rajapakse said Sri Lanka intends to expand bilateral relations with Estonia [...]
Awarded Order of St. John

Around 40 officers who have served for more than 25 years were awarded the Order of St. John in different categories sanctioned by Queen Elizabeth II, Head of the Order. The awards were presented by the chief guest, Deputy Health Minister Faizal Cassim, at the event held in Colombo recently.
Dematagoda kovil function

Western Provincial Council UNP member Jayantha de Silva, the founder of the Pragna Pradeepa concept, was the chief guest at the “deva kannalawwa” ceremony held recently at the Kali Amman Kovil in Dematagoda.
The end of poverty in China?

By Hannah Ryder BEIJING – One of the most cited statistics about China may well be the number of Chinese who have been lifted out of poverty over the last 35 years. At over 800 million, it is a huge number – and an extraordinary feat. Indeed, no other country has achieved such a level [...]
Sunny ties between Lanka and Bangladesh

By Satharathilaka Banda Atugoda Certain thoughts crossed my mind as I was watching the Bangladesh-Sri Lanka cricket matches. Several events between the two countries are also absorbing our interest. Bangladesh has performed magnificently, at cricket in Sri Lanka’s home grounds, and the 46th Bangladesh independence and national day was being celebrated on 26 March, Sheikh [...]
There is an intruder in the House

By B. Anton Jeyanathan At a time when there was a “big match fever” in Colombo, especially over the popular Royal Thomian encounter, a famous Royal College past student, Dinesh Gunawardena, MP, was in the limelight and took the shine off the big match by being debarred from parliament following the successful passage of a [...]
Even with hi-tech war kit, US can’t prevent civilian deaths in Iraq

By Laurent Barthelemy WASHINGTON (AFP) – Despite using state-of-the-art weaponry, the US-led coalition fighting the Islamic State group in Iraq appears unable to avoid civilian casualties as it battles the jihadists in close urban combat.The coalition is backing Iraqi forces in the battle to push out IS from west Mosul, a maze of narrow and [...]
What does the UN resolution expect of the GOSL?
By Sunil de Silva Reading reports in the Sri Lankan newspapers from contributors who remind me of the Latin “Quot homines tot sententiae” [as many men, so many opinions] and I recommend that a rational consideration of a UN Resolution must be approached as an examination of a smorgasbord prepared for meat eaters, fish eaters, [...]
India’s ‘D for D’ global outlook

It is a privilege for me to be here today at the Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies. The BCIS has been making invaluable contribution to enriching the field of international relations over more than four decades. It is the start of another academic year. It brings with it new friends, new hopes and sometimes new [...]
From chasing elephants to win-win strategies

By Dr. Sarala Fernando My earlier articles had drawn attention to the imminent problems faced by Chinese State Owned Entreprises (SOEs) now laying a new footprint in Sri Lanka and the damage that is being caused by mischievous media reports and political opportunism to an old, multifaceted bilateral relationship which hitherto had been described as [...]
GMOA; intrusions and intransigence in the public health sector

By Amaranath Rajakaruna The Government Medical Officers Association (GMOA) has taken centre stage in recent weeks in their opposition to the South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine (SAITM) awarding medical degrees. They have unleashed their cadre in sporadic strikes throughout the island and canvassed support from the medical students, the Inter University Student’s Union, [...]