The temporary peace agreement ends

This article is part of a continuing series  on Sri Lankan history King Rajasinghe brought Kirama and Katuwana under his rule. Not many days passed. Kittensteyn sent an army to regain those places. He also sent a letter to the king, requesting him to appoint a Dutch national as the Government Agent. The king was [...]
Avurudu Games

By Shakya Wickramanayake It’s that time of the year once again, when our little Island prepares to celebrate the dawn of the Sinhala and Tamil New Year. Let’s look at some of the games typically played during the  ‘Aluth Avurudda’ as it is known in Sinhala or ‘Puththandu’ in Tamil. ‘Kana Mutti Bindeema’ is a [...]

By Manoshi de Silva It was a warm and sunny day. The April sun was shining brightly in the sky. A swing was tied to a branch and the Rabana, the big flat drum, was taken out, dusted and kept outside. The Koha-bird was practicing his high pitched notes on a tree branch. He stopped [...]
Kids Essays

The Funday Times paper The Funday Times newspaper is my favourite newspaper. It comes on Sundays. It is the most important paper for children. I sent four coupons to become a member. One of my essays and drawings came in the newspaper. There are many interesting news items and many more important things in this [...]
Avurudu celebrations

Avurudu celebrations at  Little Angels AMI Montessori, Nugegoda. Pix by M. A. Pushpa Kumara