Sri Lankan hydraulic expertise improves Algeria’s harbour facilities

LHI's test basin
Sri Lankan hydraulic expertise has helped to optimise Algeria’s harbour facilities for the sixth time in succession, officials said.
Lanka Hydraulic Institute Ltd (LHI), a leading Sri Lankan engineering consultancy firm has extended its expertise by conducting hydraulic modelling for six harbour projects during the past few years, they revealed.
This leading Sri Lankan engineering consultancy firm in the Asian region in the fields of coastal, water resources and urban water engineering successfully completed the Hydraulic Modelling of Fishing Port in Sidi Ladjel, Algeria recently.
LHI has carried out hydraulic modelling used to analyse the hydraulic behaviour in this port successfully, they pointed out.
This was the sixth consecutive project LHI received from Algeria.
Previously, consultancy services for ports El Kala, Messida and Ain Adjroud together with coastal protection in Mostaganem have been carried out by the firm with successful results, LHI’s Director/CEO H.N.R. Perera told the Business Times.
LHI’s long standing partner, Hydro Marine Ingénierie (HMI) of Algeria had entrusted the firm for a comprehensive numerical and physical modelling campaign for a fishery harbour project in Sidi Ladjel (Algeria), he added
LHI has been in the frontier of consultancy services in the engineering sector providing solutions for complex coastal and environmental issues/ projects worldwide, he revealed in an interview with Business Times recently.
The LHI owns a large 25m x 35 m free spanning basin in the banks of Bolgoda.
One of the largest test basins in South Asia, it is equipped with computer controlled wave makers to replicate in-situ ocean waves and tides or recreate river currents of standard and extreme flood events.
This enables the design of structures such as breakwaters, jetties, coast protection structures, weirs and dams to be accurately and practically checked.
These studies were conducted at its state of the art laboratory located in Katubedda, he said adding that high-end studies and collection of field data in the water sector were carried out on design of Hydraulic structures.
The designs were carried out using sophisticated globally accepted mathematical models, and stand-alone or supportive scaled physical model studies conducted in the basin. The basin utilises computer controlled waves, he explained.
All projects were handled in-house using Sri Lankan expertise. Over 25 major projects including the coast protection of Cannes in France, design of harbours in Oman, Flood protection schemes in Maldives, and Fishery Harbours in India have been handled by LHI in 2013.
During the fiscal year 2015/16, LHI successfully completed several foreign projects including: resort development in North Male Atoll (Maldives), shore protection in East of Mostaganem Port (Algeria), Physical Model Studies of Six Fishery Harbours (Oman), Numerical Modelling for Artificial Resort Island Project (Maldives), and Hydraulic Model Studies for a Pleasure Port Development in Tlemcen (Algeria).
Prioritising its commitment to local projects, LHI currently proceeds with more than 10 consultancy projects including the proposed Fishery Harbour at Wellamankara, Salinity Barrier across Kalu Ganga, Flood Study in Deduru Oya, Conceptual Design of Sewerage Sea Outfall in DMMC area, etc.
LHI also provides its services on field and modelling investigations for the Colombo Port City Development Project, he disclosed.
LHI Chairman Ranjit Galappatti noted that model testing is used extensively in hybrid and composite modelling, in which physical models work interactively or combined with numerical models and informatics systems.
“This provides customers with ground-breaking solutions. Accurate and up-to-date equipment are available in-house, and our equipment is tested by experts regularly,” he added.
“This is a particular advantage to our customers since the equipment is tested, they are available to clients at short notice,” he said.
LHI’s comprehensive model testing facilities serve customers and projects within port, coastal, hydraulic and offshore engineering.
Model testing has been conducted for the past two decades for different clients from all over the world, he pointed out adding that physical modelling covers a wide range of testing for most of the coastal engineering applications.
It includes Breakwater Stability Testing, Harbour Disturbance Modelling and Ship Movement Modelling, etc.
Senior Engineering Manager (and also Project Manager of Sidi Ladjel project), Dr Sanjeewa Wickramaratne told the Business Times that since its inception in 1984, LHI has conducted over 350 projects in Sri Lanka and overseas.
All its processes are streamlined, quality assured, and in accordance with ISO 9001:2008. LHI’s services are relied upon by a number of international clients in Algeria, Bangladesh, Belize, Bhutan, Brunei, Eritrea, France, India, Iran, Maldives, Mauritius, Oman, Senegal, South Korea, and UAE, he said.
The 2D and 3D testing have been carried out for all harbours in Sri Lanka where artificial armour (concrete Blocks in place of rock) has been used. In addition, LHI has undertaken detailed field investigations and measurements in coastal and riverine systems, he disclosed.
Enhancing its footprint in the African continent, LHI at present, is actively involved in a major collaboration on field investigations and mathematical model studies in Rwanda – Africa, he said.