Is FFSL deep in the quagmire?

Red Card, the worst penalty for any football player, is on its way to present FFSL administrators according to how things are taking place - File pic
The Football Federation of Sri Lanka (FFSL) has called for an ‘Emergency Council Meeting’ today at 9.00am at its Main Auditorium at Football House in Torrington.
The agenda and letter of invitation signed by the present Secretary General of FFSL, E. Balendra Anthony is daylight robbery in terms of administration according to Football experts.
According to experts the intended ‘Emergency Council Meeting’ becomes ‘unconstitutional’ according to two regulations — the amended Sports Law No. 25 of 1973 and issued under an Extraordinary Gazette Notification on February 13, 2017 and the Constitution of the FFSL.
Adding more curiosity, the ‘Emergency Council Meeting’ includes thirteen matters including Re-ratification of Committee Term 2015-2016 and Appointment of Committee Chairmen which should be matters taken up at an Annual General Meeting, an Election or an Annual Congress.
FFSL conducted its Annual Congress or the AGM for 2016Â on April 22 at the neighbouring Ministry of Sports Auditorium and the matters were not discussed then. The present FFSL hierarchy, governing affairs of country’s football on an extra term under the instruction of the Sports Minister, however will not get the opportunity to discuss the intended matters on the Agenda to be tabled today until its Annual Congress for 2017 according to the Sports Law and the FFSL constitution.
The FFSL Constitution on Page 1 clearly states under ‘Interpretation Clause’ 7. that ‘The Council’ means ‘the main Advisory Body of the Federation consisting of one Delegation of each League, 8. ‘The Executive Committee’ means ‘the Chief Executive Body of the Federation’ as constituted in accordance with these Statues’ and 9. that ‘Committee’ means ‘ any Constitution of the Federation appointed by the Executive Committee and ratified by the Council’.
On Page 14 under Council Meetings (r) the FFSL Constitution clearly states that ‘The Council shall meet at least one in three months and determine policies of FFSL and ratify decisions of the Executive Committee. In addition on Page 17 under Quorum/Notice of Meetings (d) the document states that ‘A minimum of seven days notice shall be given for all Committee Meetings. Notice for an Emergency Committee Meeting shall be determined by the President’, whilst the calling in of today’s meeting is documented on April 30 and signed by the Secretary General of FFSL, only five days prior.
The Sports Law clearly indicates that FFSL’s planned ‘Emergency Council Meeting’ is not in accordance to the country’s rules and regulations on National Sports Associations. On Page 3 under 3A (xiv) (a) it states “at an Annual General Meeting, hold the election to elect office bearers of the Committee of the National Association of Sports and the members for the Decision Making Committee, Seeding Committee or Ranking Committee, Technical Committees, Finance Committee and Disciplinary Committee; (b) hold a Special General Meeting to elect the members for the Election Committee; (c) select the members for the Selection Committee.”
By yesterday a majority of Football Leagues have received the invitation sent by the FFSL General Secretary and many of them have responded in writing of their discontent. It is also said that the Leagues are collectively drafting a letter objecting the act, which is clearly unconstitutional.
In addition on the same day (April 25) the FFSL General Secretary has sent another letter addressed to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of FFSL U.L. Jaswar that his appointment was expired at the Annual General Meeting held on April 22, 2017 and has made a request to hand over all documents, equipment as well as settlement of outstanding dues for a ‘smooth transfer’. In response Jaswar has sent a letter seeking clarification on 10 matters in which he states that the FFSL General Secretary have not carried out the decision of the Executive Committee and the Council in addition to seeking his due salary for eight months. While copying the letter to the Minister of Sports, the Secretary to the Minister of Sports, the Director General of Sports and, President, Members of the Executive Committee and Council of FFSL, Jaswar has indicated that he is contemplating in taking legal action. The FFSL will have to battle out with another legal matter if today’s ‘Emergency Council Meeting’ proceeds and decisions are made as Leagues’ representatives have already met lawyers to take matters to the court, according to sources.