Carcass believed to be that of a whale washes up on Bambalapitiya beach

Pic by Nilan Maligaspe
The decaying carcass of a marine organism, believed to be that of a whale was discovered at the Bambalapiya beach last Friday.
The Head of the Marine Biological Division of the National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA) Dr Sisira Haputantri told the Sunday Times the carcass was decomposed beyond recognition.
He explained that two of their scientists collected DNA samples to analyze and assist in the identification of the carcass.
“We can identify whether it is a whale, seal or a any other mammal within two weeks time,” he said.
Last week, in a similar case a mysterious carcass had washed up on the Indonesian Island of Seram.
Foreign media reports said the Indonesia Marine Affairs and Fisheries researchers would take samples from the carcass to identify its species. The size of the carcass suggests it is a whale.
The mammal was measured at 49 feet, dispelling beliefs among locals that it may be a squid, which only reaches 16.5 feet.