Home » ColumnsTransfer of Deputy Minister doesn’t mean transfer of vehicles, paintings

Within a span of just twenty days of a Cabinet reshuffle there followed a reshuffle of State and Deputy Ministers. Needless to say there was both heartbreak and heartburn among those who aspired for top slots and received lesser ones or those who did not receive one at all. There was also other unusual developments. [...]
Disappointment and disillusionment with economic performance

There is widespread disappointment with the unity government’s economic performance. Perhaps the most disillusioned are those who supported the regime change in 2015. The great expectations from the regime change, in as far as the economy is concerned, have virtually disappeared. A strong political will to resolve these constraints and reawaken the economy is the [...]
Too many excuses for incompetence of government

The very idea that more law is needed to effectively operate relief to affected persons hit by natural disasters in Sri Lanka, as put forward by some bright ministerial sparks in recent days, is an asininity which needs to be peremptorily dismissed. Have we lost all propriety? Let us be very clear. The issue is [...]
Officials, Ministers wait in suspense as President mulls over allocation of subjects after mini Cabinet reshuffle

Ravi K wants string of subjects unrelated to Foreign Affairs KabirHashim threatens to quit President Sirisena asks Ministers to ‘manage’ with given vehicles for now By Our Political Editor Last Wednesday’s swearing in of four State Ministers and three Deputies, like the Cabinet reshuffle, was not without tense behind-the-scenes political drama. In this one, Enterprise [...]
Whiling away in camps

My dear flood victims, I thought I must write to you in this hour of great distress to assure you that you are indeed being thought of and cared for- although it sometimes may not seem that way. I know most of you must be considering yourselves lucky to be alive in this Paradise of [...]
British elections: Shake, rattle and roll

When Prime Minister Theresa May unexpectedly called a general election she was sitting pretty with the opinion polls heavily weighted in her favour. With the election due on Thursday, the stakes could not be higher with the narrowing of the gap between the seeming runaway candidate May and Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn earlier relegated to the [...]
Tempest Thursday brews ‘Force Evacuation’ storm

Disaster Minister AP Yapa toasted in Mexico while his ministry officials get roasted at home for lacking the simple bare necessities of relief aid The death toll said it all: 208 dead, 90 missing and six hundred and thirty thousand displaced after one day’s rain last Thursday which had the nation horror-struck at how such [...]