Lending a hand towards change
Lending a helping hand has always been a quality in Chamathya Fernando’s (24) family and this is a trait that she carries with her to this day. This has always been her passion, and seeing the impact that it’s had on people’s lives, brings her happiness and satisfaction. Earlier this month, Chamathya was selected to [...]
Floral expression with MOGA

Azahn Munas, 23, who graduated from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology with a distinction in advertising launched MOGA which specializes in women’s headscarves and shawls. This year they’ve gone beyond silks with a bit of floral expression coming up with a unique headpiece. * Mirror Magazine (MM) : Since its launch MOGA has become [...]
Something cold and sweet – refreshing snow cones

Shaved ice, combined with a flavour of one’s choosing at a reasonable price is a sweet deal. This is just what ‘Snow Monkey’ is about. The store which is located along St Anthony’s Mawatha, Colpetty is the ideal hangout location. It offers snow cones , jam-packed with a variety of flavour combinations that last long [...]
Boyzone to tour in 2018

The popular 90’s Irish boy band Boyzone will make a tour and release new music. Boyzone took to social media by making an announcing on social media on 28th May. They will reunite for a tour in 2018 to mark their 25th anniversary. New music is also on the cards. While the tour is planned [...]