Sri Lankan management book to be published in UK and the US
Lewie Diasz
Marketing and Business STRATEGY’ authored by Lewie Diasz will be launched on Monday, June 19 at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, Independence Square Colombo 7. The author in a media release says it is a first for Sri Lanka since it has been endorsed by eminent global scholars and leading authors from the UK and the US.
Prof. Malcolm McDonald from the Cranfield University School of Management UK endorsed the book, saying “Lewie Diasz is a respected scholar and practitioner, whose first book was a best seller. The reason is clear. He always has wise and insightful contributions to make to the business community and I know that this book will be yet another boon to all organisations which are keen to grow their sales and profits”
The author’s first book titled Strategic Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Sri Lankan Business Entities launched in 2012, was the fastest selling management book in Sri Lanka with over 5,000 copies sold to date. It was the first of its kind in Sri Lanka, where theories were contextualized and explained using Sri Lankan businesses whilst simplifying complex marketing management theories. According to Prof. Gerry Johnson, co-author of the world famous book Exploring Corporate Strategy, “books, which address topics as vital as this and also relate them to the local context, are rare but valuable. Lewie Diasz does just this in Marketing and Business Strategy in a way that should appeal to both practitioners and students”.
Mr. Diaz says, “I look forward to launch my second book to uplift the standards of management education in Sri Lanka and introduce Strategic Marketing and Business Strategy as an essential text for the next generation of leaders”.
This book is intended for readers in the academic, professional and practitioner markets who are linked by the need for an up-to-date understanding of the meaning and scope of marketing and business strategy.
The material covered will be of direct importance to students of marketing strategy in both postgraduate and undergraduate programmes as a business strategy textbook.