LWMF to bring Lionel Wendt’s unique legacy to the fore

The Lionel Wendt Memorial Fund (LWMF) has announced a number of exciting initiatives, for local and international audiences, aimed at raising awareness about its unique art collection, a press release from the Fund stated. The LWMF was established in 1948 with the purpose of perpetuating the legacy of Lionel Wendt (1900 -1944); it will celebrate [...]
The Tortoise, the Korawakka – and the Depath Naya

I was musing during this month of June about that famous journalist of yesteryear, Varindra Tarzie Vittachi. When I was a young man in the fifties, I used to love reading Tarzie’s popular columns in the Ceylon Daily News. The man had a wonderful way with words and a delightful flair for telling stories. His [...]
Who will fill America’s shoes?

By Richard N. Haass NEW YORK – It is increasingly clear that US President Donald Trump represents a departure when it comes to America’s global outlook and behaviour. As a result, the United States will no longer play the leading international role that has defined its foreign policy for three quarters of a century, under [...]
Navy pays tribute to the late Commander M.G.S.Perera

A memorial oration as a tribute to the late Instructor Commander M. G. S. Perera, on his Birth Centenary, entitled “Instructor Extraordinary” was delivered by Instructor Lieutenant Commander (Retired) Somasiri Devendra on June 2 at Admiral Somathilake Dissanayake Auditorium, Naval Headquarters, Colombo. This was followed by the launch of the book ‘Teacher to the Navy’ [...]
Pakistan offers Jinnah Scholarships to Sri Lankan students

Pakistan through its High Commission in Sri Lanka has awarded scholarships to 170 bright Sri Lankan students under the prestigious Jinnah Scholarship programme worth SL Rs. 4.225 million. The scholarships are named after Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan. The award ceremony was held in Colombo. Buddhist & Pali University Vice Chancellor Ven. [...]
CFINS helps amputees with self employment and educational grants

The Colombo Friend-in-Need Society (CFINS) is the premier source of artificial limbs for amputees since 1985- the limbs are provided free of charage for those who cannot afford the usual cost of Rs. 14,000. As part of the rehabilitation programme of CFINS, amputees who are unemployed are encouraged to run self-employment projects to supplement their [...]
Mabole Malays hold 33rd Annual General Meeting

The Mabole Malay Association held its 33rd Annual General Meeting at the Wattala Town Hall recently, and the following office bearers were duly elected for the year 2017/2018. Tony Saldin was elected President for the third time. President - Sdr. M.D. (Tony) Saldin Immediate Past President - Sdr. Yaqeen Sariffo’deen Hony General Secretary [...]
More care for the aged through wellness and music
HelpAge Sri Lanka and Global Music & Wellness, a US non-profit organization, headed by Sri Lankan Arlene de Silva, are partnering to hold in Sri Lanka the first event about wellness through music and aging. The event will be held at the Dutch Burgher Union hall on July 12 from 3:30-6 pm. Dr Markus Leser, [...]