‘Heart’ riders

Everything was well-planned, or so they thought, to the last detail. As they set off, there was not only purposeful commitment and determination, for they had come from half a world away to cycle from Sri Lanka’s south to north, to help keep the diseased hearts of little ones beating. They were also aware of [...]
Free Education opened up my path: UN’s new youth envoy

Jayathma Wickramanayake who has been appointed the United Nations Envoy on Youth, said, she was “a testament to what a young Asian woman can achieve if she’s empowered”. “This is the message that I want to send across to other young women in the world, girls who are dreaming of becoming something big, if you [...]
Brass cast: The story of the Samadhi statue in the park

45 years on, Aloy Jayawardene a Roman Catholic who heeded the request of sculptor monk Ven. Dr. Mapalagama Vipulasara Thera to create a brass cast for a Buddha statue to be placed at Viharamahadevi park in 1972, presents a replica of it to President Maithripala Sirisena The serene brass cast 15-foot statue of the Buddha [...]
A tasteful colonial heritage

Eranga Kumara and his peni rambutan of Malwana are a familiar sight at the Gaspaha junction off Dam Street, Colombo during the rambutan season, for he has been coming there for the past 20 years. Gone are the days though when a rambutan was just 25 cents. “Ada polathuru koodath ne,” (today baskets made out [...]
From the river Jordan to the Dead Sea

This is Israel – the “Holy Land’ considered sacred by Christians, Jews and Muslims, yet a land from which peace and goodwill seem so far removed. This is the land where Jesus Christ lived and preached, the ”Promised Land” (Ha’Aretz HaMuvtahat) which Jews believe God gave to their patriarch Abraham and his descendants- and a [...]

A doctor with a multitude of interests Dr. Asoka Thenabadu It is one year since my friend and colleague Asoka Lakshman Thenabadu passed away suddenly on June 30 following a sudden heart attack. It is with a marked sense of sadness and remembrance that these words are penned. Asoka was a fellow Thomian as well, [...]
Demanding the right to be cruel to poultry!

Star anise and honey glazed chicken, chicken masala, pouletau paprika, chicken broccoli stir fry, chicken curry, roast chicken – from gourmet to simple cuisine, from farm to table, the journey for the chickens,is a gruesome tale. According to animal behaviourists chickens are smart, social, sensitive animals, recognizing one another, developing pecking orders, caring for their [...]
Getting to know titbits of memorable artistes

Reading about people’s talents, those in different vocations, professions and numerous other fields is always fascinating. Some may be well known personalities, others may not be so well known. Yet, the writer can always make the narrations interesting. That’s exactly what Vijith Kumar Senaratne has done in ‘Rasa Mathaka Asiriya’ – a compilation of biographical [...]
Letters to the Editor

Cabinet reshuffle: Another move to hoodwink the already burdened public The most spoken about topic of the day, the Cabinet reshuffle debacle is gaining currency in the country day by day. Yet, the vociferous crusaders of this gigantic political machination are turning a blind eye to the repercussions thinking that their manoeuvre is the panacea [...]
Elegance of emptiness and simplicity

Mounting the stone-paved stairway passage from the parking area which leads to the lobby and the work studio of Chartered Architect Palinda Kannangara, one is immediately oblivious to the city heat and its din. Located by a marsh on Lakeside, along the Buthgamuwa Road in Rajagiriya, the ‘ramparts-like’ structure enabled by a brick wall enveloping [...]
Bloody Mary’s fiery trail in the hill country

I heard the astonishing saga of Mary Palliser – aka “Bloody Mary”- from Gamini Fonseka four decades ago when discussing possible subjects for a film following our collaboration with Manik Sandrasagra on Rampage (1977). I was so intrigued that Gamini sent me to see the journalist Nalin Fernando, who had researched the life of Mary [...]
Making a splash on canvas too

Fashion and art may not seem an immediate match but Art Connect exhibition, a part of Swim Week Colombo for the first time attempted combining the two. As founder of Swim Week Colombo Ajai Vir Singh sees it, the two streams have much in common. “I feel that art has a deep relationship with fashion. [...]
Birthday bash

Family and friends joined in the festivities as Mallika Tyagaraja of the Pattakanu Jewellers family celebrated her 70th birthday with a dinner reception at the Taj Samudra hotel’s On Golden Pond.
A musical fair and fun for all as Kandy Alliance Francaise celebrates Fete de la Musique

Celebrating their 50th Anniversary, the Alliance Francaise de Kandy has planned 50 events this year. Fete de la Musique (Festival of Music) also known as Faites de la Musique (make music), in Kandy on June 24 which saw enthusiastic participation, was one of these events. Director of the Alliance Francaise de Kandy, Mickael Lenglet explained [...]
International Graduate Fashion Spectacle to hit the ramp soon

“We have many aspects of French culture which are being highlighted by the French Spring Festival but French culture wouldn’t be the same without fashion,” said Cultural Counsellor for the French Embassy in Sri Lanka Jean-Phillipe Gavois at a press conference this week to announce the International Graduate Fashion Spectacle(IGFS) presented by the Lanka Institute [...]
Visual and Performing Arts Uni and SAARC Cultural Centre hold festival of art, music and dance

The University of Visual and Performing Arts in collaboration with the SAARC Cultural Centre will be holding the ‘Saundaryabhimani’ Art Festival and the SAARC exhibition of paintings this week. The SAARC exhibition of paintings will showcase art from the eight SAARC Member States – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, while [...]
Sirasa TV is 19

Sirasa TV marked their 19th anniversary with invitees from the arts and media scene joining them at the celebrations on June 23 at Stein Studios Ratmalana.
Dulari’s students hold exhibition
“Expressions”- an art exhibition by the pupils of Dulari de Fonseka is on today at the Lionel Wendt Art gallery. Around 100 paintings by the talented students who range from age 5 upwards to adult students are on display. Dulari is of the firm belief that whilst being a proven method in developing essential motor [...]
Baby Chenuthi needs a liver transplant in India

Five-month-old baby Chenuthi Sakithma Bandara of Ragama, suffering from ‘Bilary Atresia’ and intestinal malrotation underwent surgery and is now being treated for chronic liver cell disease. Her doctors have now recommended an immediate liver transplant. She is under the care of Dr. Shaman Rajindrajith, consultant paediatrician and head, Dept of Paediatrics, Kelaniya University. Since paediatric [...]
Senior Old Anandians annual get together on July 30
The 6th annual get together of the Senior Old Anandians will be held on July 30 at 10 a.m. at Women’s International Club, Guildford Crescent, Colombo 7 ( adjoining the Lionel Wendt theatre.) This event is open to old Anandians over the age of 60. If you are not a member already you can join [...]