Hong Kong, which has generously handed out financial aid to Sri Lanka at times of disasters on previous occasions, has once again approved three grants totalling HK$9.03 million (Rs 177.3 million) to three non-government agencies that will provide flood relief. The money was approved today by the Disaster Relief Fund Advisory Committee from Hong Kong’s [...]


Hong Kong grants Rs 177 million for Sri Lanka flood relief


Hong Kong, which has generously handed out financial aid to Sri Lanka at times of disasters on previous occasions, has once again approved three grants totalling HK$9.03 million (Rs 177.3 million) to three non-government agencies that will provide flood relief.

The money was approved today by the Disaster Relief Fund Advisory Committee from Hong Kong’s well-run Disaster Relief Fund.

Save the Children Hong Kong will receive HK$4.44 million, while HK$1.128 million was granted to the Adventist Development and Relief Agency, China.

World Vision Hong Kong is being provided with HK$3.471 million.

The funds will be used to provide kitchen ware, household and sanitation items, baby products, water tanks, and filters.
On July 5 last year, HK$2.26 million was granted to Save the Children Hong Kong to help cyclone victims in Sri Lanka.

The committee says it hopes the grants will help provide timely relief to the victims and help them restore their normal living.
“To ensure that the money is used for the designated purposes, the relief agencies will be asked to submit evaluation reports and audited accounts on the use of the grants after the relief projects have been completed,” a Government spokesman said.
The Disaster Relief Fund was established in 1993 to respond swiftly to international appeals for humanitarian aid in relief of disasters outside Hong Kong.

Hong Kong’s Financial Secretary is the designated administrator of the fund. The fund is audited by the Audit Commission evey year and audited accounts are submitted to lawmakers.

In 2015-2016 grants approved amounted to HK$82.15 million compared with HK$47.21 million in 2014-2015.

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