Sepaktakraw achieves set targets for 2017

Nizam Hajireen addressing women participants of the Police Training School on Sepaktakraw.
The Amateur Sepaktakraw Association of Sri Lanka under the leadership of its’ President Nizam Hajireen and his loyal and dedicated group of Office-Bearers and Coaching Staff at the expiry of nearly six months of the year, has performed an enviable task of achieving set targets of completing Orientation and Technical Programmes for new entrants preparing them to participate at the forthcoming Sepaktakraw Nationals in the latter part of August 2017.
So far, since staging the second South Asian Sepaktakraw
(SASTAF) Championship in January 2017, the Association had distributed Sepaktakraw Balls and Nets to the Special Task Force, Police Sports Club, Police Training School, Mabole Malay Association, Puttalam Malay Association, Balangoda Takraw Club, Jayawadanagama Takraw Club, the sixth Signals Corp of the Army, Trincomalee, St. Anthony’s Sports Club , Java Institute, Thunmulla Junction Colombo – 4, and eight Schools in the Kegalle District and Uva – Sabaragamuwa Province.
Training Programmes for STF commenced in the first week of June followed by three days of training a week at Attidiya and STF CAMP Kalutara, whilst training for Police Training College, commenced on July 1 at Katukurunda, Kalutara under the auspices of the Director Training SSP Damayantha who lighted the traditional oil-lamp , and after the National anthem and the singing of the Police theme song, declared open the training session at the Aluvihare grounds with the participation of around 180 men and women Recruits and Staff members from 7.00.a.m. The Director Training has assured his full support to continue the Sepaktakraw Programme to produce 8 to 10 teams at the Training College and requested the Association’s assistance to conduct regular training sessions.
The Training Programmes for the STF and Police Personnel were made viable and functional in the midst of them performing onerous Police Duties, by the keen personal interest and commitment shown for the development of this game in the Police Department by M.R. Latiff, Senior – Deputy Inspector General of Police and Commandant of the STF and Police Sports Chairman, with the blessings and goodwill of the Inspector – General of Police Pujith Jayasundera and it is the fervent hope and expectation of the Sepaktakraw Association to produce competent Men and Women players from the Police Department for the forthcoming Nationals.
A two day training programme will be held at Pinnawala Central College grounds for the eight schools of the Kegalle District and Uva-Sabaragamuwa Province on an invitation by the President of the newly formed Sri Lanka Schools Sepaktakraw Association Wasantha Kumara . Dates have not being finalised for training at Trincomalee and Nawalapitiya .
All in all its’ a hectic and energy sapping programme by any stretch of imagination and deserves the salutation of all Sports enthusiasts and the relevant Sports authorities for the selfless and untiring efforts of the Amateur Sepaktakraw Association performing a gigantic task and service without any fanfare or publicity.
It is praiseworthy and notable to state herein that the Association conducts all these Programmes with great difficulty with their own private individual resources without any assistance from the Government or Private Sector, exception being the STF and Police Training College who provides transportation and hospitality for duration of the training period .
Nizam Hajireen is hopeful that the many illustrious and all-round great Sports Stalwarts of yesteryear who are today successful Business Magnates, and some of them who played Rugby, cricket, and soccer with him would respond to his clarion call of financial assistance to complete the balance Sepaktakraw Programmes successfully for year 2017 where the major event of the Sepaktakraw Nationals in latter part of August would take precedence .
Already the Training programme commenced to train new personnel from the STF, Army, Navy, Police, and Schools as Referees to increase the Panel of Referees from the current number of six to 15 by the time the Nationals are held in August 2017.