Science & Technology Exhibition in Kurunegala rural school

Students’ Exhibits were on display at an exhibition organized by the Science & Technology Society of the Perakumpura National School in the Mahawa Education Zone, Kurunegala. Large crowds visited the exhibition. Pic by Karuwalagaswewa Jayaratna.
Tabs for students, teachers of higher classes: MoE
The Education Ministry is preparing to provide Tabs to students and teachers of higher classes from September onwards. The objective is to teach certain selected lessons using the Tabs. An estimated 195,000 Tabs will be provided islandwide, while a pilot project for the teachers is currently under way. “The Tabs will be useful in teaching [...]
Universities of Peradeniya and Zurich sign MoU
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between the University of Zurich (UoZ) and the University of Peradeniya (UoP), to commence academic collaboration between the 2 Universities. The MoU provides to commence collaborative research and academic programmes as well as to initiate student/staff exchange programmes in the future, the UoP said. UoP Vice-Chancellor Prof [...]
Shramadana in schools from July 28-30: MoE
A campaign to clean schools in view of the Dengue situation will be held islandwide from July 28 to 30, the Education Ministry has decided. Minister of Education Akila Viraj Kariyawasam has directed schools to obtain the support of teachers, parents, students, past pupils and the community for the cleaning campaign. The Health Ministry will [...]
Exhibition to mark Ranil’s 40 years in politics
The progress made in the field of Education, during UNP Govts in which Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe served for 40 years, will be exhibited next week. The exhibition will be held at the National Youth Service Council (NYSC), Maharagama, from July 28 to 30. ‘Futuristic Education System’ will be the theme of the exhibition held [...]
Asian Peacebuilders Scholarships for young Asian professionals
Applications have been invited under the Asian Peacebuilders Scholarship (APS)- a Dual Degree Master of Arts Programme. It is a shared initiative of The Nippon Foundation, the UN Mandated University for Peace (UPEACE), and Ateneo de Manila University (AdMU). The deadline ends on August 11. The objective of the programme is to train young Asian [...]
Statues for 2 past, outstanding Ananda College Principals
The Ambalangoda Deshiya Sangvidanaya (ADS) intends to erect statues of two popular principals of Ananda College, Colombo, for the invaluable service they rendered to the school and society. Accordingly, the late P.D.S. Kularatne and L.H. Mettananda from Ambalangoda, will be honoured with their statues erected at Pettiyagoda, Ambalangoda, close to Dharmasoka College, where they had [...]
28 Foreign Scholarships on offer
Local and foreign scholarships, totaling 80, will be available for undergraduate and postgraduate studies shortly, officials said. Japan, Vietnam and the Commonwealth have offered 28 scholarships, while 52 local scholarships will be offered to foreign students, by the Presidential Secretariat and the UNESCO. The Japanese Scholarships, totaling 19 and selected by the Japanese embassy, are [...]
School Science & Technology Exhibition in rural Kurunegala

An exhibition organized by the Science & Technology Society of the Perakumpura National School in the Mahawa Education zone, Kurunegala, was held recently at the school premises. The school, situated in Yaya 3 rural area in Rajanganaya Left Bank Govi Janapada, has about 80 students following Technology in Grades 12 and 13, under the guidance [...]
Drama Therapy Certificate Course by FPA
A Certificate Course in Drama Therapy will be conducted by the the Family Planning Association (FPA) through its Alokaya Counseling Centre (ACC), next month. The Course, coordinated and conducted by Practitioner, Author and Researcher of Drama Therapy, Dr. Ravindra Ranasinha, will start in the first week of August. It is designed for all personnel in [...]
Ven. Professor Hanguanketa Dheerananda Thera cremated
The cremation of Ven Prof Hanguanketa Dheerananda Thera of the University of Peradeniya took place at the Pilimathalawa Dheerananda Maha Vidyalaya this week. UoP Vice Chancellor Prof Upul B. Dissanayake in his funeral oration said, the demise of the Ven Prof was a loss to the University and the country, yet his Research papers running [...]
77th Annual Prize-Giving of St Sylvesters College Kandy

St Sylvesters College Kandy last week held its 77th Prize-Giving at its Auditorium with Provincial Education Secretary, P.B. Wijeratne as Chief Guest. Among the invitees was the Bishop of Kandy- Rev Vianney Fernando. The Principal, T.E.S. Meetiyagoda and the staff welcomed the Chief Guest on his arrival. The College was established by Benedictine Catholic priest [...]