Joining hands to eradicate dengue
View(s):Government, villagers and non-government organizations have launched a multiplicity of programmes aimed at clearing garbage in an effort to minimise the spread of dengue.
Last week a group of foreign university students visiting the country joined hands with locals to clean up a stretch of beach in Moratuwa.
The foreign students, together with students from the Moratuwa University and workers from the Moratuwa Municipal Council joined hands to clean up a 500-metre stretch of sea shore.
Students from a host of countries, comprising students from China, Sweden, South Korea, Germany, Belgium, France and Turkey participated in the cleanup effort.
The campaign revealed a number of breeding sites of the dengue mosquito which were destroyed.
Plastic bottles, polythene bags and other recyclable materials were collected separately and sent for recycling.
Story and pix by Reka Tharangani Fonseka

Foreign university students joined in clearing a 500- metre stretch of beach at Moratuwa

Can we be civic-minded enough to ensure our beaches are not polluted after the clean up

Students separate plastic bottles, polythene bags and other recyclable materials

Large piles of rubbish left by an uncaring citizenry

Volunteers pose in front a portion of the garbage they helped clear