Home » Magazine » ArtsSharing their sheer joy in music

It’s an amazing feat, a life changing moment when you become champions at the World Choir Games. Ten years after, the Revelations in a sell-out reunion concert on July 23 at the Bishop’s College auditorium showed their audience just why that quality and authenticity in their music had made them famous. Performing with their original [...]
Head out for guilt-free fare

Tucked away at the end of a small walkway on Sulaiman Terrace, off Jawatta Road, Colombo 5, it’s easy to miss the Good Life Cafe (GLC). Opened in late 2016, the small cafe with white and light green decor, wooden furniture, chalk board menus and subtle murals, the GLC exudes a bright and fresh ambiance. [...]
Versatile and entertaining: Clifford is back

Clifford Richards needs no introduction. If you aren’t familiar with the name (a nod to England’s crooning “Bachelor Boy”), you would have seen the face or heard the rich baritone voice over the radio or on television reading news or on countless advertisements, compering or singing at numerous concerts and shows. The multi-faceted Clifford can [...]