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President says ‘JO’ members jubilant over Karunanayake resignation, but its leaders will soon know what awaits them; quips of appointing even 10 Commissions Another blow to UNP as SLFP Central Committee decides PC polls should not be postponed; 20th Amendment out, Cabinet decision to be reversed UNP backbenchers want no-faith motion against Wijeyadasa on Hambantota [...]
A time to plant, a time to reap

My dear Ravi, I do apologise for writing to you again so soon – especially after writing to you a fortnight ago and writing to your spouse only last week. I don’t think you will be annoyed though, because very few people will visit you, talk to you or write to you now, now that [...]
Yahapalanaya’s collective sigh of relief at Ravi K.’s brouhaha-exit

The resignation of Ravi Karunanayake from his ministerial post on Thursday, just days before the Govt of national unity celebrates its second year in office, helped defuse a crisis that has shaken the “yahapalanaya” govt to its roots and tested its commitment to uphold principles of good governance. Despite his exit from the inner circles [...]
Ravi misses vital BIMSTEC meeting, Wasantha rushes to Kathmandu

Foreign Minister Ravi Karunanayake resigned from his portfolio on Wednesday, just hours before he was scheduled to board a flight to Bangkok and thereafter catch a connecting flight to the Nepali capital of Kathmandu. He was to lead the Sri Lanka delegation to the 15th ministerial meeting of BIMSTEC — the Bay of Bengal Initiative [...]
Applaud only when the law holds corruptors responsible

For those who laboured long and hard to bring fresh cleansing winds to Sri Lanka’s degenerate political culture in 2015, these are times of mortified reflection. The collective angst of the United National Party (UNP) amidst a dismaying disarray and loss of public confidence beggars the imagination. Its parliamentarians are filing no-confidence motions against its [...]
Balance of payments surplus despite large trade deficit and lower remittances

A balance of payments surplus of about US$1.6 billion was achieved in the first five months of this year in spite of the trade deficit increasing sharply, workers remittances decreasing and a slowing down in tourist earnings. This was owing to significant foreign borrowing and inflows of capital. External reserves increased to US$6.8 billion by [...]
From the penthouse to the dog house

All that goes up must come down was considered a truism from the days of yore. The apple that descended on the Newtonian dome-probably a fable anyway- had obviously got Sir Isaac thinking. So was born what is called the law of gravity. Those untutored in physics were often told by elders not to walk [...]
Yahapalanaya wins the day

“I am proud to resign” says Ravi Karunanayake: but the proud moment belongs to the free media Even as many politicians from both sides of the political divide joined in to add voice to the nation’s chorus and let know to both the President and the Prime Minister, ‘ you can tell your cabinet minister [...]