Getting a life after chronic liver disease

The first-ever transplant in Sri Lanka for acute liver failure was performed by the Colombo North (Ragama) Hepatobiliary and Liver Transplant Unit on July 20. What many may not realize, however, is that it is just one more feather in the cap of this unit par excellence which has taken liver transplantation to a different [...]
Women really overthink things:Study claims

It’s a popular stereotype: women overthink things more than men. Now the biggest brain imaging survey ever conducted has found evidence to support that theory. Analyzing data from more than 45,000 studies, researchers at Amen Clinics in California concluded that women’s brains are significantly more active than men’s. Blood flow was much higher in [...]
The heat is on with the ‘king of spices’

Imagine an egg hopper or fried egg without that sprinkling of pepper. If pepper had a twin would the name be salt? Of course it will be as they are inseparable being always commonly paired together. Pepper, Piper nigrum (Gammmiris in Sinhala and Milahu in Tamil) in the family Piperaceae commonly described as the “king [...]
A jumbo favourite that’s good for you too

It is supposed to be the favourite food of elephants and in some parts of the world it is called the elephant apple while in other areas, it gets the name woodapple because of its hard wooden shell. Woodapple, (Divul in Sinhalese and Vilam palam in Tamil) scientifically, Feronia limonia or Limonia acidissima, is the only [...]
Make birthing pains go away

Sri Lankan mothers are taught from an early age to fear going into labour. But pain-free labour is a possible goal for the majority of mothers. Labour is an emotional experience. It involves both physiological and psychological mechanisms. Pain relief in labour is complex and often challenging. Labour pain is ranked high on the pain [...]
Signs of emotional abuse even smart people miss
Emotional abuse can sometimes creep into your relationship and gradually undermine your self-belief and confidence.Some of the signs are more obvious than others. Here, Sally Brown, a psychologist of the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists, reveals 14 signs to look out for. You are mocked Your other half loves to tell ‘funny’ stories at [...]
‘Being Sane in Insane Places’ – The power of human labelling

“I read a book once that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but I’ve never been able to believe it. I don’t believe a rose WOULD be as nice if it was called a thistle or a skunk cabbage.” -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables In one of psychology’s famous experiments, [...]