A skeletal monkey with little but skin and bone is seen after it quenched its thirst and struggled out of a temporary well that compassionate people had dug with a cloth ladder for the voiceless and helpless creatures in the fire and fury of the ongoing drought. The temporary well was dug at the Meegaswewa [...]


See the agony of this monkey, but what do we do?


A skeletal monkey with little but skin and bone is seen after it quenched its thirst and struggled out of a temporary well that compassionate people had dug with a cloth ladder for the voiceless and helpless creatures in the fire and fury of the ongoing drought. The temporary well was dug at the Meegaswewa tank in the Thabbowa Park in the Puttalam District. Reports say hundreds of monkeys and other animals have died after suffering for weeks and months in the barren waste.  Pic by Karuwalagaswewa Jayaratne.

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