King Rajasinghe flees

Pigera started conquering the camps set up by King Rajasinghe. The king arrived there, accompanied by his security forces. Meanwhile, some of the mercenary armies that were serving Pigera, deserted him. Yet, Pigera did not give up the fight. He went on attacking the Sinhala army. A number of guns that bore the emblem of [...]
Harry Potter Festival Day

Harry Potter Festival Day and Closing Ceremony was held at the British Council on August 19, 2017 Pix by Indika Handuwala
Zahira College 125th Anniversary Walk

Zahira College 125th Anniversary Walk was held recently. Pix by Athula Dewapriya
Kids Essays
A day I won’t forget The day I won’t forget is my 10th birthday. I won’t forget it because I had such a lot of fun. In the morning when I woke up I was given gifts from my mother and father. They each gave me a present with lots of nice and interesting stuff. [...]