Home » Magazine » ArtsTaking to the stage with his 65th play

When he was 12, he wrote a 20-minute skit for a school show titled ‘Lee (dahaiya) kudu kawa kathawa’. He would go on to act in it, and write many more plays in school and later. Working subsequently at the advertising company J.Walter Thompson (JWC Sri Lanka), he realized that he could make a product [...]
Titbits on ‘Love, Lies and Diamonds’

‘Love, Lies and Diamonds’, Indu’s 65th production is the story of Kusal Kukulawala and revolves around a diamond necklace. Kusal buys it for his girlfriend but his wife sees it and assumes it is for her and Kusal tries to get it back, all the while attempting to maintain to his girlfriend that he and [...]
A tasty serving of healthiness

When you hear or see the word ‘healthy’ before food or drink, you automatically mentally prepare yourself for less than tasty food. But, of late, a number of restaurants and cafes are slowly changing that perception, and showing Sri Lankans that healthy can be delicious too. One such establishment is Life Food, a small little [...]