The Sri Lanka Institute of Directors (SLID) recently held its first in-house customised training for the Council Members, Executive Council and staff of the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM). The programme was designed and delivered by expert business practitioners from the SLID Faculty to SLIM requirements. opening remarks were made by Ms.Aroshi Nanayakkara, Council [...]

Business Times

SLID conducts first customised training programme


The Sri Lanka Institute of Directors (SLID) recently held its first in-house customised training for the Council Members, Executive Council and staff of the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM).

The programme was designed and delivered by expert business practitioners from the SLID Faculty to SLIM requirements. opening remarks were made by Ms.Aroshi Nanayakkara, Council Member and SLID faculty member followed by the delivery of the training by SLID Vice Chairman and faculty member, Faizal Salieh and Anthony Jayaranjan, SLID faculty member. They integrated their sessions seamlessly interspersing local and international examples making it interesting and lively, according to a SLID media release.

The session was highly interactive using a real-life case study on Corporate Governance (CG) covering the key principles, elements and trends in good CG systems, the business case for CG and the key concerns and challenges.

The success of the programme was also due to the high level of interaction all participants brought into the session drawing from their personal experiences and critical analysis of the case study.

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