Malith, new Country Rep of Institution of Civil Engineers UK
View(s):Chartered Engineer Malith Mendis has been appointed Country Representative of the Institution of Civil Engineers UK, joining his illustrious predecessors, well-known Dr. A.N.S. Kulasinghe and Prof. Dayantha Wijeyesekera in this position.

Malith Mendis
Mr. Mendis is a civil engineer with more than 35 years’ experience, a Fellow of the ICE and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka. He is the Chairman of Mendis Cobain Consultants, former CEO of Lanka Hydraulic Institute, former President of the Association of Consulting Engineers Sri Lanka and is the Country Representative for the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation.
UK’s Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) is a professional membership body that governments and industry listen to while providing support to its 90,000 civil engineer members worldwide.
The local Chapter of ICE, the Sri Lanka Association of the Institution of Civil Engineers (SLAICE) is the focal point of activity amongst members living in Sri Lanka.