After the floods: Beware of ‘the great mimicker’ Melioidosis

A father of three children, Nihal*, and his family living in Hambantota were badly affected by the May- June floods. He was 46, a diabetic with very poor sugar control. It was while the family was busy cleaning their home and trying to get back to their normal lives after the floods had receded that [...]
A little fruit that’s an all-rounder for your body

The perfect all-rounder for your body and considered to be one of the most important in the Ayurveda system of medicine, nelli, Phyllanthus emblica is a part of the ‘aralu, bulu, nelli’ combination of the Triphala formulation that is believed to promote health, immunity and longevity. The fruit is also unique in the sense that [...]
The Big Four that make you feel more than low

I read The Big Four, a work of fiction by Agatha Christie, as a schoolboy. It features Christie’s legendary detective Hercule Poirot but cast in a different role in a tale of international intrigue and espionage. In the novel, the big four are masterminds who control an international criminal cartel. The big four I am [...]
Showing the way forward with 3-D laparoscopic surgery

A ‘landmark’ in laparoscopic surgical history is how the day’s session was described when two operating theatres (OTs) and a lecture hall of the Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital in Kotte became a treatment-cum-teaching opportunity linked to the recent 50th anniversary celebrations of the Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (SLCOG). The sessions commenced with [...]
When it is more than just a tummy ache

Many of us have experienced a “tummy ache” at some point in our lives. Depending on the severity and the circumstances we tend to respond in different ways. Some take paracetomol, some swear by antacids and yet some others take nothing. Often these tummy aches tend to subside after some time and they are later [...]
Golden-hued wonder spice

Will a curry be a curry without its bright yellow hue? Imagine how bland our curries would look without turmeric – “the gold of spices”. But, turmeric is more than colour, this ever potent spice has a very interesting taste and aroma and is also associated with a range of beneficial biological functions. It is [...]