Lotus Tower: China’s “Buddhist way” to navigate geopolitics

Indian Prime Minister and Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi was recently the chief guest for the celebrations of Vesak Day—the birth, enlightenment, and passing of Buddha—in the predominantly Buddhist island-nation of Sri Lanka. After the May meeting with Modi in Colombo, Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe took an unprecedented step of refusing to host a [...]
The tragedy of Aung San Suu Kyi
DHAKA – Myanmar is in crisis. The Rohingya – a Muslim ethnic minority group in a predominantly Buddhist country – are under attack by the military, with many fleeing for their lives. This escalating conflict is threatening to undermine Myanmar’s ongoing democratic transition – and to tarnish irrevocably the reputation of the country’s de facto [...]
Will complying with UNHCR settle our woes?
Human rights groups in Latin America have filed lawsuits against a former Sri Lankan general who was the ambassador to Brazil and accredited to Peru, Chile, Argentina and Suriname. Carlos Castresana Fernández, the lawyer coordinating the effort has said “This is one genocide that has been forgotten, but this will force democratic countries to do [...]
BRICS summit: From economic partnership to global governance

The leaders of the five BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) held their 9th annual BRICS Summit in Xiamen, China, from September 3 to 5, 2017, under the theme “Stronger Partnership for a Brighter Future” A significant change from the norm was to invite non-BRICS countries, and name the event “BRICS Plus [...]
Reaching out to those in need in a tuk-tuk

“40 grown men getting emotional is unheard of, but when you see the faces of children as they see clean water for the first time, you get emotional,” says Paul Davies, a participant of the Pimp My Tuk Tuk (PMTT) Charity Ride. Paul has been a part of the 2015 ride and is taking part [...]
A book on land policy for sustainable development by Prof. G.H. Peiris

‘Sri Lanka: Land Policy for Sustainable Development – to strengthen the struggle for survival’ by Prof. G.H. Peiris was recently released by Visidunu Prakashakayo. Priced at Rs. 1,290, the book is now available at leading booksellers and at the Colombo International Book Fair currently on at the BMICH. The author, Professor Emeritus of the Peradeniya [...]
Royal College group of 69 annual get-together
The Royal College Group of 69 organising committee is inviting all fellow 69ers and their friends to join in their annual get-together. Their 6th Sing-along with Rukshan backed by the X’Periments will be held on Saturday, September 23 at the Galadari Hotel at 7 p.m.
Spritzing up the education ecosytem

NEW YORK – This month, heads of state and senior officials from all 193 United Nations member states are gathering in New York City to try to make progress on some of the world’s thorniest development challenges – including ensuring quality education for all. Progress on this front is not just a moral imperative; it [...]
Ken Balendra releases biography

Ken Balendra, the first Sri Lankan Chairman of John Keels Holdings Ltd. (JKH) released his biography yesterday. Titled ,”They called him Ken”, the book is authored by senior journalist and media consultant Savitri Rodrigo. Mr. Balendran was the Chairman of JKH from 1990 to 2000.
When man decides who should live and who should die

Life is a gift we have received. We are thankful to our parents that we are given a chance to live this life. It is not what we chose, our parents considered every child a wanted child. And now with the development of medical technology, we can detect anomalies when the baby is in the [...]
State of the art gym opens its doors at Malabe

Sri Lanka’s wellness scale got a new boost with the inauguration of a 50,000 square feet Body Doc fitness club in Malabe and is the largest and most technologically advanced fitness center in the country, a press release said. Located less than a kilometre away from the heart of Malabe town this luxurious wellness center [...]
Sri Lanka, a country where ” every prospect pleases ”

The Tigers’ lair was deep in the jungle. It was difficult to find and tough to get to; two hours jolting, semi-prone, in a trailer dragged by a tractor, watching for mines. This was a war zone for decades. The paddy fields were abandoned long ago to the peacocks and their perpetual courtship, dozens of [...]
Escalation of the world drug problem

The amount of narcotic drugs seized by the police had increased in Sri Lanka, according to the latest reports presented to Parliament. A total of 388,722 Kgs of narcotic drugs had been seized in 2016 compared to 13, 548 Kgs in 2015. This included 36,817 Kgs of ganja, 15 Kgs of opium, 27 Kgs of [...]
Fall-out from the West Asian conflicts for Lebanon

When one sees images of refugees being sent back to Syria in hundreds of trucks across the Beqaa valley, one wonders how a small state could sustain these problems, imposed from across its borders. A country cannot change its geographical position and its neighbours, settled over centuries and neither can history be altered. Especially in [...]